Subud California Organization

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of the four officers of our nonprofit corporation, Subud California. The current members of the Regional Committee (through August 2026) are:

  • Chair: Sulfiati Harris (see Sulfiati’s bio HERE)
  • Vice-Chair: Arthur Barrett
  • Treasurer: Hamilton Chaffee (see Hamilton’s bio HERE)
  • Secretary: Mahalia LoMele

The Chair and and Vice Chair are elected biannually at the Regional Congress. Other Executive Committee members are nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the Regional Council.

Thank you to the outgoing Executive Committee, which served from August 2022 to August 2024: Hanafi Fraval, Chair; Levana Fraval, Vice Chair; Hamilton Chaffee, Treasurer; Elna Cooke, Secretary.

Regional Council

The Regional Council is the Board of Directors of Subud California, and includes the Regional Committee members noted above. In addition, each center can elect a Councilor to be their member of the Regional Council. For information about each center and group, including names of current councilors, go HERE.

Also, “Regional” members (those not affiliated with a center or group) can elect a Councilor during a Regional Congress. If they don’t, the Regional Chair can nominate a Councilor for Regional members who, after testing with the Regional Helpers, can be approved by vote of the Council. 

The Council meets with a combination of virtual and in-person meetings throughout the year. Find the minutes of Regional Council meetings from 2015 to present HERE.

Regional Helpers

Our Regional Helpers serve a four year term, providing support to members across the Region, to our centers and groups, and to the Regional Council. The current Helpers are:

  • Hannah Kusterer, Subud CA at Marin
  • Levana Fraval, Subud CA at Los Angeles
  • Hani’a Abrams, Subud CA at Berkeley
  • Luqman Katz, Subud CA at Los Angeles
  • Hanafi Fraval, Subud CA at Los Angeles

Regional Standing Committees

The Region is supported by several standing committees. Charters outlining the roles of each of the committees are below:

The chairs of these committees participate in the Council as non-voting members, as does the current Congress Chair.

Regional Staff

Regional administration is provided by several part time positions:

  • Receptionist: Raina Snyder of the Santa Cruz Center is our receptionist. Please direct all non-financial inquiries to her at SubudCal.Contact<at>, or by phone at 831-477-9881.
  • Financial Office: Amelia Williams of Las Vegas, is our financial administrator. For questions or information about financial matters, please contact her at SubudCal.Finance<at> or by phone at 630-238-8320.

Resources for Regional and Center Committees

Subud California ByLaws 8.2.24

Regional Zoom account information and guidelines for requesting use

The joint responsibilities for property management shared by the Region and centers are outlined HERE

Download a Reimbursement Claim Form, in MS Word or PDF:

Other Subud Organizations

Many Subud California members volunteer their knowledge and time as participants of advisory boards or working groups associated with the following national and international Subud affiliates (Wings):

Visit the websites links above for more information about the important work of these affiliates and how to get involved or support them.