5828 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Saturday 10:15am quiet
Monday: 7:45 pm quiet
Wednesday: 11:45 am quiet
(same for men and women)
Contact: For information about latihan at the Center or to learn more about Subud, please contact Deanna Foster (deannaifoster <at> mail.com) or Lauren Stomel (lauren.subud <at> gmail.com).
Regional Councilor for Los Angeles is Jane Katz, and the Center Chair is jointly filled by Haryanti and Luke Jones.
For news about Center activities, go HERE.
Renting the Space
The Center has two large halls suitable for a range of group meetings and activities as well as two rooms which accommodate smaller meetings. The 3rd floor cafe offers views of the La Brea Tar Pits across the street. An elevator is available to reach the 2nd and 3rd floors, in addition to stairs. For more details and to make inquiries about renting the space, please go HERE.