Fruits of the Latihan

“If there are still some of you who are unable to receive, or who are oblivious of, this movement which resides within your own life, that is only because you have neglected to practice this. In other words you have used your brain and your mind all the time and have never paid attention to practicing or to becoming aware of this movement within your own being, within your life – this movement which we have received in the latihan kejiwaan. For in fact this movement, this power, actually manifests in every action that we make during our everyday lives, no matter whether we are working, whether we are sitting, whether we are sleeping, whether we are writing, whether we are talking. Always this power of God, this power of life, is there within us. If we train ourselves to be attentive to this, and to feel it for as much of our life as possible, then gradually the power that moves you within the latihan will also begin to envelop and to be present in all your actions throughout your business, throughout your life, in your everyday life.

And because of this, because you will then be accompanied by this power, you will experience something like a guide or a teacher within you which will lead you and give you understanding of all your various activities. It will be as though you will become aware that within you, you are followed by something like a teacher or an advisor, so that you will never be far from guidance and advice for your everyday life. And automatically, then, your life will not stray far from what is right. In other words you will not go far from actions which are excellent and the best possible.”

Bapak’s Talk, Bristol, England. The fruits of the latihan
June 29, 1977. Code Number : 77 BRS 4