Book: Bapak’s Helper

Preface to the new book, Bapak’s Helper, by Isman Kanafsky

I have been in Subud for more than 50 years now and I feel moved to write about some of my helper experiences and understanding. I have been a helper for almost 40 years and have served as

I have been in Subud for more than 50 years now and I feel moved to write about some of my helper experiences and understanding. I have been a helper for almost 40 years and have served as local, regional and national helper during that time. My hope is that this will help the younger members in Subud understand the importance of helping Bapak with the mission that was given to him by Almighty God.

Subud is for all mankind who wish to worship God. It is one of the helper’s duties to explain that to applicants before they ask to be opened. This is sometimes overlooked by helpers and causes confusion in a person’s feelings after they are opened. God is consequent. This means that if you do not believe in God, God will not guide you. If you believe in God half heartedly, God will guide you half heartedly and if you believe in God fully, then God will guide you fully. So it is really important that an applicant understands that Subud is the worship of God and the latihan or receiving that each person experiences is their worship of God.

It’s also very important for them to understand that they need to direct themselves to God when receiving it. If that’s not understood from the very beginning, they will always feel confused about it. The result of not stressing that Subud is the worship of God is a lack of harmony, which is necessary for Subud to grow and make progress. Subud is God’s latest gift to humanity to help us to return to the original state that we were created in, human beings with human souls and true human qualities.

May the One Almighty God deepen our understanding and ability to carry out all the duties and responsibilities that are necessary to help Bapak with his mission. Amin!