A Mountain Gathering in October


We  are planning an informal gathering at the Seven Circles Retreat Center in the Sierra Nevada foothills on October 6-10, at the same time as our Regional Council meeting there.  You are invited to come for the weekend to enjoy this beautiful setting, share in daily Latihan and meals, and just relax.

Please use this form to register for the gathering and to reserve lodging at Seven Circles at the Subud group rate of $40 per person per night. Rooms at Seven Circles can accommodate up to 4 people (2 twin beds and a bunk bed) and have private bathrooms. If you are attending on your own, we will help match you up with roommates to take full advantage of the available space.

There are other lodging options in the area, such as Sequoia Resorts and Sequoia Family Cabinfootbridge, which you can contact directly regarding room availability and reservations. If you plan to stay somewhere other than Seven Circles, please submit the registration form so that we know you are coming and can plan for group meals.

Group meals start with dinner on Friday and continue through lunch on Monday, at a cost of $89 per person for all meals. You may also select meals for just specific days or times as best fits your schedule.

This gathering offers an opportunity for our Subud family to relax together in a peaceful, natural environment, deepen our connections, and have time and space for other activities which may arise.

Print the Registration Form and mail it in with your payment. We hope to see you there!