Center Helping Centers

After the Fire

The Sebastopol Center is experiencing a significant drop in rental income due to the horrendous fires in Santa Rosa that occurred in October. Many of the Center’s regular renters are temporarily out of the area or dealing with fire damage.  It is expected that the Center’s rental revenue will improve along with the recovery of the local area from the fire.

In the meantime, a message about this was sent out by Robert Mertens to the Chairs of the other Subud CA Centers, to alert them to the situation as raised by Farah Hess, Chair of the Property Management Committee. In response, a number of other centers have generously sent checks to help sustain the Sebastopol through this difficult time.

More than $3,000 has been donated to Subud CA and then forwarded on to the Sebastopol Center.  It is a wonderful example of Centers helping other Centers!

The Venezuelan Food  Connection

The Walnut Creek Subud Center has sent a third food shipment to Caracas, to arrive in time for Christmas. This shipment was funded primarily by a  generous contribution from Subud Vancouver.  For a history of this project, see this earlier article.

The hunger crisis in Venezuela needs ongoing support, so it is exciting to announce that the Venezuela Food Connection will become a Susila Dharma project in 2018.

Donations to support future shipments welcomed. Checks should be made out to Subud Walnut Creek and sent to Rahima Warren, 3270 Theresa Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.  Please earmark for the Venezuela Food Project.