Inventing the Future

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Each of us is a source for the ideas and actions that will invent the future. A local “sourcelet,” if you will, of the divine intention for a better world.

Can we look at some of our Subud facts to discover some of the unique opportunities that we have today?

Fact 1– Subud membership is shrinking and aging.

Opportunity 1– There is a greater concentration of Subud members with long experience in the Latihan and life than ever before. The unfolding story here is that these “elders” have the depth and chops to make a significant improvement in the life of their center members and local community. These elder members can help mentor our younger members in achieving their life purposes.

Fact 2 – The world is in turbulent times that are likely to become more turbulent in the near future.

Opportunity 2 – As in the sixties, we are entering another sea change moment. Some like to call it “The Great Turning.” Thus, dynamic pressure for change will begin a new search among younger people for a more expansive and rewarding understanding of life. The Subud Latihan will offer them a door to the greater life emerging from within us.

Fact 3 – There is much darkness in the world…. many people at war with each other, and a rift between people of differing values and beliefs in our societies and in our governments.

Opportunity 3 – My experience in Subud and, I expect, yours too, is that when we fight, we soon build bridges back to each other and renew bonds of friendship and trust. This behavior will act as a magnet and refuge for people seeking relief from acrimony and divisiveness.

I will stop at 3, and invite you to respond with some of your own. Can you speak to each other in your centers about what you can do with each other and ask for the support of the regional body and the other centers…. and tell me about it?  Reach me at:

Use your arts; music, painting, writing, drama, dance, healing, teaching, business, plumbing…. to bring it forth. Start small, like the butterfly wing flapping in the rainforest that builds to a great wind that gathers momentum as it circles and embraces the world.

Love and Blessings now, and as we enter the New Year,

Robert Mertens, Chair, Subud California

“New Possibilities Emerging from the Future” by Robert Mertens