Excerpt from the Subud USA Newsletter sent November 20th, 2018
I would like to bring some personnel changes to your attention:
- Due to time commitments, Julia Hurd will step out of her role as Vice Chair and into that of a special advisor to the Committee, where she will support our team, as she can, on the newsletter and special projects. Philip Lindstrom, Subud USA Secretary, was tested positively by the National Helpers present at the Menucha Gathering. As required by our Bylaws, the Board of Directors had to vote to accept the results of the National Helper testing. I am pleased to report that their vote was unanimously favorable and Philip Lindstrom is now officially the Subud USA Vice Chair.
- Michael Shaver will manage our National Office located at Beltsville, MD, replacing Bill Rodgers who performed this role for some 5 years and recently resigned from that position. We thank Bill for his steady and noteworthy service.
- Another recent addition to our team is Lydia Farrand, Subud USA Communications Manager. Please contact her at lfarrand@subudusa.org for items that should be included in our newsletter or otherwise publicized to our members.
I also want to tell you about some of the projects that your National Committee is coordinating:
- As you are probably aware, Subud USA is sponsoring a federal credit union for the benefit of our members. We expect this credit union to offer higher interest rates on deposits and lower rates on credit cards and loans to individuals and small enterprises. There are still multiple steps required before we could expect this proposed credit union to be operational, possibly taking up to a year.
- Plans are underway to hold the 2019 National Gathering in Albuquerque, NM during the July 4th weekend. We hope to finalize the plans and be able to announce the details in the coming weeks.
- The annual census is underway. Besides updating our files with the latest address changes, helpers are able to connect with members that are not able to come to group latihans. Please note that a new directory will be available when the census is completed, very early next year.
- A new project, just getting started, is the much-needed update of our website. We hope to create a website that is easier to navigate and locate needed information.
Please feel free to contact me at boladie@aol.com with any questions or issues you might have.
Best wishes,
Lucas Boladian
Chair, Subud USA