We had an Amazing Congress!

Or, what I learned serving on the Regional Committee as Vice-chair over the last two years,

by Matthew Cooke


As the CA region, we are mighty  — one of the strongest in the world in human and capital resources. Consider the miracle that was our CA congress where we:

• unanimously elected a new chair AND vice-chair 
• restored a beautiful position dedicated to connecting our “center-less” members
• agreed how to incorporate varying views on the development at the Marin Center
• reconstituted our Property Management Committee (PMC)
• created a new working group to focus on long term development opportunities

As a unified region, we have an incredible opportunity. 


Bapak advised us it was through our works (large scale charitable endeavors) that Subud would spread in the world. Not by claims or words. 

If our IH’s and NH’s have a strong and consistent connection to our RH’s and local helpers, then all of Subud could feel as one with a global purpose to be of benefit to the world, rather than unconnected isolated groups existing for themselves. 

Our CA chair reminded us of this and that the kejiwaan is in front.


The work of the Region’s subcommittees for Property Management, Congress Development and Community Resources has been and continues to be invaluable in ever-improving organizational management and operations and consistency of information. From this, we have a huge opportunity to continue to build. 

If we are able to maintain clear communications with each other, our delegates, our council, our groups, as well as reach up to the National and International levels we can continue to bring our feeling and efforts closer together to greater effect. 

This is doable at the size we now are and being small is to our advantage in setting precedent. The newly harmonious development project in Marin is one that sets the stage. 


Bapak encouraged our committees to appoint experts to oversee enterprises both for ourselves and to fulfill our purpose in the world.

“...we should have a consultative body in Subud comprised of experts in every field of enterprise. These will be the people who can show the way – the sifat – and set the example…”

~ 82 TYO 1

“the enterprises are not just for the benefit of the people who do them, but they are also for the needs of Subud… …we have already received the Latihan Kejiwaan… All we need to do is to put it into practice. And this, the putting it into practice, is through enterprises….” ~ 77 YVR 3

“Because the strength of Subud materially is very much dependent on the progress of enterprises and this is very much the responsibility of the committees.” ~ 77 YVR 3

At the CA congress, we started with our needs and greatest material resource — in the category of real estate.

We have a lot of building and property experts including the world-famous architect Antoine Predock, whose name would attach incredible prestige to any worthy project.  Susannah Rosenthal also has a fascinating concept with her Tiny Homes project. And there are others. 

The new Subud Center Development Group can, when appropriate, consider involving other regions (and the nation) in more coordinated efforts. 

All the US regional chairs have a regular meeting. The balance of involving more of the right qualified people from local to international levels in the way Bapak advised — has the effect of uniting us in ways we haven’t seen and proving the Subud miracle of harmony in both feeling and tangible results.


If the CA Region understands how the national and global structure was intended to work we can help inspire and influence it — uniting with the other regions and helping the nation to develop and mirror what we’re doing. 

We can also invite the national committee (as is appropriate) to participate with our endeavors with clarity and purpose having an impact locally and nationally in the right way. 

This “authority and oversight” must of course be balanced with respecting and benefiting from the resources of regional and local efforts.

We have proof in this CA congress that if we are patient we actually move faster. If we let go of personal ego, we can see the bigger picture, that our efforts locally, regionally and beyond are for Subud as a whole in the world, not for our individual selves or local groups alone. 

Hence the beautiful prayer for hearts as wide as the ocean. 

With so much admiration, love, respect and gratitude,

Matthew  Cooke,  Subud CA Vice-chair, August 2017- August 2019