Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What an amazing time this is within Subud! In the midst of Ramadan we have an opportunity to experience the great power and blessing of the latihan, and next many of us will be off to the World Congress in Puebla. It promises to be a rich and new experience as, for the first time in Subud history, we will meet in a Congress without the physical presence of Bapak or Ibu. Together we will have to create our connection with God’s power in our latihan, trusting even more deeply that we will be guided. It takes courage and is a form of coming of age for all Subud members.
But, California members not able to go to Puebla do not have to miss out! Our California Regional Congress over Labor Day weekend is rapidly approaching and it too offers opportunities for rich and diverse experiences. It will be held at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center in Southern California, an inspirational setting indeed!
We want to tell you about the kejiwaan part of this beautiful regional congress. The latihan will be very much in center focus. Yes, of course, there will be all kinds of wonderful cultural and art activities. And, of course, there will be community and entertainment for all ages. But, the practice of the latihan is the main event and the main reason for this congress and congresses in general. Your Regional Helpers plan to offer a framework in which we all can experience a deepening of our latihan, so that we can grow stronger in our connection to the power of God. And, since we are coming of age as Subud members, we will create these experiences together. Perhaps the brothers and sisters who have gone to Puebla can share their experiences with those of us who have stayed home in California. In this way we can all support each other in our spiritual growth.
Hopefully this will manifest in the spiritual content of the congress in many different ways, based on the needs and experiences of the participants. A few focused kejiwaan workshops will be offered as well, such as latihan and testing for the parents of young children, or for members who are caretakers off the chronically ill. Check your program!
So, come to the regional congress to be part of the new spirit of Subud. Together we can build a path to the future.
This congress will mark the end of our term as Regional Helpers. It has been an amazing adventure and rich experience for us and we are grateful for what we have experienced and learned. We hope new Regional Helpers will be ready to step forward to take on this role to serve the Subud members in the California region. We are still in need of a few good men and women helpers to take on this responsibility, and contribute to the growth of the latihan in the region. Please contact us, if you feel called to test.
We send you good wishes for your travels and look forward to being with you.
with love from Ralph Davila, Sanderson Morgan, Irena Olender, Maria Pope