Raymond Robel Memorial and Potluck (Saturday 4/5/14, SAN DIEGO)

Dear Friends and Family,

You are invited to a memorial and potluck for Raymond on Saturday, April 5th from 12:30 – 4:00 at the San Diego Subud Hall. In his final wishes, Raymond specifically requested a memorial in San Diego. Raymond was loved and respected by many so please join us to remember and honor his life.

There will be time to informally share memories of Raymond so you are encouraged to bring stories or photos. A potluck will be held afterwards. Raymond liked most foods but especially loved salads, fruit and all foods Asian so please bring a dish that will contribute to the celebration.

The address is 3521 Adams St, San Diego, CA 92116. If you need directions, please go to subudsandiego.com.

If you have any questions, please phone me at 619-916-6812. I look forward to seeing you.

Love, Athena