Playing with the Unknown

by Aminah Herrman

Some of the Sacramento members got together after latihan to tickle the creative process and explore what might be at core of our intentions as we embark on 2015. With boards, paint, scissors magazines and glue we let our selves be drawn to what was most alive in us at the time. Images, words, colours, shapes were freely applied onto boards that told a story, pictured a prayer, suggested an intention, or expressed an idea.

Lots of discussion, sharing discoveries, laughing, and the telling of stories accompanied this free form creative play. At the end we shared with one another. Some had things they wanted to say about their finished product,  others were quiet and satisfied with just allowing the process, and a few decided to continue at home and spend more time with it.

We completed our day together going out to lunch and continued to share on multiple levels on the things that bubbled up as we spent time together in this way. It was a very nice day.

One of the collages from the gathering
One of the collages from the gathering
sacto jan15 gathering group
Danella Mauguin, Loree Bianchi, Farah Hess, Francesca Wright, Melinda Michaels, Kathryn Taylor. Not pictured: Myrna Nichols, Aminah Herrman