by Hanafi Fraval
One of the first goals Levana and I have set for ourselves is to visit all the Subud California centers. Our hope is to meet as many members as possible and understand each center’s successes, challenges, and aspirations. Visit are scheduled to Sacramento and Marin on October 8- 9, and to Sonoma and Santa Cruz on October 22-23. We plan visits later to San Diego, Palo Alto and Arcata.
We also want to share a vision of where we are now as a Region, what we need to do immediately and over the coming two or three years, and how to look at the next five or more years if we are to be in healthy and sustainable state.
We very much look forward to visiting you all.
NOTE: Our four new Regional Committee members were announced in August and September. If you missed those messages, you can review their brief biographies HERE.