Birth Announcements

Member News- April 2015

New Members
Nancy Hunh (Palo Alto)
Pam Rosen (Santa Barbara)
Moon Savage (Santa Cruz)

Lilianna Koenig & Anthony Parker (Marin)


Halima Riparetti (Owen and Raphaela Riparetti – Santa Barbara)

Brooklyn Elena Payne, Renata Reid’s granddaughter (San Diego)

Birth: Brooklyn Payne

Welcome Brooklyn,  Renata Reid’s granddaughter!

Welcome Camilo Abel

Camilo Abel, born May 28, 2014 to Duny and Joana Casteñeda, Palo Alto Subud.

Camilo Abel Casteñeda
Camilo Abel Casteñeda

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome to Leah Rose born Dec. 31, 2013!

Leah Rose Zasloff making music
Leah Rose Zasloff making music

Leah Rose was born Dec. 31st to thrilled David Zazloff and Illiana Rose (Los Angeles)

Welcome Leah and best wishes to the whole family

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: Felix Martin born Dec. 27, 2013!

Félix Martin was born Dec 27th to proud parents Nobuko and Morgan Martin (Los Angeles)

Many congratulations and best wishes to the family !

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: Sybil Florence Tran born Feb 21, 2014!

Sybil Florence Tran was born Feb 21, 2014 to Brigitte and Lou Tran (San Diego)

She’s a bundle of joy of 6lbs, 8oz.

Welcome to Sybil and congratulations to the whole family!