Subud California

Reports from Subud CA Regional Council Meeting, August 2024

The links below provide access to the text of documents or reports provided to the Regional Council at its meeting on August 2, 2024, prior to the start of the Regional Congress in Santa Barbara.

Subud California Regional Bylaws, revised 2024. This revision was approved at the council meeting.

Report from the Regional Chair, presented by Hanafi Fraval as the close of his 2 year term

Center Reports, presented by the Regional Councilors on behalf of their center

Be the next Regional Member Councilor!

Our Regional Council serves a vital role in the oversight of business and financial aspects of Subud California. Each center appoints a councilor. Those members who are not associated with a center are represented by the Regional Member Councilor.

This role has been filled very ably for last two years by Rohana LoSchiavo. Her two year term will be completed in August and there is an opportunity for someone else to step into it. The Regional Member councilor can be an unaffiliated member or a member of a center or group.

Please consider whether the time is right for you to be a Regional Member Councilor. If you are interested in pursuing it, please email Hanafi Fraval (hanafi<at> It’s a great way to engage with members from across the Region!


Draft for review, February 2024

Notes to readers:

  • Underlined text indicates new or rephrased language.
  • If members want further clarification, refer to 2005 bylaws available online and compare content.
  • Bold, italicized text indicates instructions for further documentation

Subud is a practice that is in harmony with all faiths, and has no dogma or doctrine. Subud is open to those who wish to receive a direct spiritual experience of the soul being reawakened by the great Life Force, the power of God.

Subud neither has nor promotes any political or religious affiliation or belief.  Any political or religious opinions expressed in the writings or speech of individual Subud members, whether privately, electronically, or commercially published, are those of the authors, and in no way reflect the views or policies of Subud, nor may any Subud resources or affiliated digital media be used to promote such opinions.

Subud California, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) religious corporation (the “Corporation”) organized under the laws of the State of California and is a foreign corporation in other states.  The Corporation provides a structure to support the activities, in the California Region, of the Association of Susila Budhi Dharma, and is one of several separate, autonomous regional associations that organize to form the national association of Subud known as Subud United States of America, Subud USA.

Subud California, Inc. does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or parental status, nor does it condone any such discrimination by any of its members.  Subud California, Inc. is committed to diversity and inclusion and affirms that each of its members has the right to participate in, benefit from, and contribute to all activities, programs, and services of the association with dignity and respect.  Subud California, Inc. further affirms its obligation to ensure that it maintains an environment that is free from harassment.

The membership recognizes that an administrative structure is necessary to accomplish its purposes and the members of Subud California, Inc. do therefore organize themselves under these bylaws. Subud California’s corresponding Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) includes specific processes to be followed by Centers, Groups, Committees, Members, and the Board of Directors in adherence to these bylaws.

Article 1

Name and Place of Business

The name of the Corporation is Subud California, Inc. The principal office for the transaction of the business of the corporation may be established at any place or places within the California Region by resolution of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors at any time may establish branch or subordinate offices at any place or places where the corporation is qualified to transact business.

Article 2


The purposes of the Corporation are to facilitate the worship and spiritual growth of its members in accordance with the principles and practices of Susila Budhi Dharma, and to arrange for other needs of its membership such as:

A.  Providing an administrative framework to serve the needs of its membership at the local and regional level;

B.  Supporting Subud associations and affiliates at the regional and national level; and,

C.  Engaging in other activities which in the opinion of its Board of Directors are appropriate to the achievement of the spiritual aims and goals of Subud California, Inc. as described in the preamble.

Article 3


Section 3.1:  Description

In accordance with the advice given us by Bapak, Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, founder of the worldwide Subud movement, Bapak’s Helpers are appointed to serve the needs of the membership and Committees at the local and regional level, as well as the national and international levels of the World Subud Association.

Section 3.2:  Relationship with Committees

In Subud Centers and Subud Groups, Helpers and their corresponding Committees will establish a regular practice of the latihan together.  Likewise, the Regional Helpers and the Regional Board of Directors will establish a regular practice of the latihan together.

The Helpers will provide guidance to their affiliated Committee on questions arrived at through established Subud policy and procedures.  Centers, Groups, and the Regional Executive Board will include in their budgets, funds for reasonable expenses which Helpers incur in serving the members. 

Section 3.3:  Duties

The Subud Center Helpers and Subud Group Helpers, sharing the duties with their corresponding

Committees, will determine how many active members are practicing the latihan at Centers and Groups, and will prepare the annual census, according to the procedures in the Policy and Procedures Manual.  The Regional Helpers, in cooperation with the Director for Regional Members, will determine how many active Regional Members are practicing the latihan.

Article 4


Section 4.1:  Description 

The minimum age for those who wish to become members of Subud is 17 years. Any person who has been admitted to the spiritual practice of the latihan kejiwaan of Subud is a member of the worldwide Subud association.

Practicing Subud members residing in the California region are considered members of Subud California,  Inc. for the duration of their residency, and enjoy the rights, responsibilities, and privileges thereof.

Members are encouraged to receive the latihan regularly, at their local Center or Group, or simultaneously at a distance with other Regional Members, to participate in local and regional gatherings for fellowship and spiritual enrichment, and to volunteer their time, expertise and financial support in accordance with their ability and capacity.

Section 4.2:  Removal

A member may be removed from the membership roll in any of three ways:

A.  By submitting a letter of resignation to the Regional Executive Secretary;

B.  By remaining absent from the latihan kejiwaan for an unreasonable period of time, as determined by the Center or Regional Helpers; or,

C.  By acting in a way determined by the Center or Regional Helpers to be gravely contrary to the aims and purposes of the Corporation.

If a member is removed from the membership roll, the responsible Helpers will notify the Regional Executive Secretary and the National Executive Secretary of the member’s removal.

Any member removed may request, and will be granted, a review of the determination by the Regional or National Helpers.

Section 4.3:  Reinstatement

If a member removed as described in Section 4.2Csubmits a request, the Board of Directors may authorize a thorough review of the circumstances.  Any possible future reinstatement is dependent on the guidance of the Regional and National Helpers, the approval of the Regional and National Boards of Directors, and the advice of a 501(c)(3)-experienced lawyer.

Article 5

Regional Members, Subud Centers, and Subud Groups

Sections 5.1-5.4 include new definitions differentiating Centers using Subud property from Groups using rented properties, and reduce membership requirements for those definitions.

Section 5.1:  Regional Members 

All Subud members practicing the latihan kejiwaan in California and parts of Washoe and Clark counties in Nevada are considered members of Subud California, Inc.  Unless otherwise affiliated with a Center or Group, Regional Members practice the latihan kejiwaan separate from a Center or Group, with or without using electronic devices remotely to connect remotely with other members in simultaneous practice.

Unless otherwise affiliated with a Center or Group, Regional Members practice the latihan kejiwaan

alone, or simultaneously with others, remotely, at pre-arranged times.

Section 5.2:  Subud Centers

A Subud Center is defined as a subdivision of the members of the Region that utilizes a property owned by the Corporation for the purpose of regularly scheduled latihan practice.  Each Subud Center will be known as Subud California, Inc. at… (followed by the city, county or part of the city where the Center is located).  Each Subud Center will have no fewer than five members; two Helpers, one man and one woman, and a Center Committee consisting of at least a Chair and a Treasurer.  Exceptions to the requirement for minimum Center membership using a Corporate-owned property may temporarily be approved by the Board of Directors.

Each Subud Center is required to:

A.  Provide a Director to the Board of Directors chosen using accepted procedures;

B.  Pay its share of Regional Property insurance;

C.  Be current on all property taxes, utility bills and other legally committed obligations, (See Article 10.1);

D.  Be current on any loan payments due to the Regional Corporation;

E.  Be current in filing financial reports to the Regional Financial Office;

F.  Be in regular communication with the Board of Directors about the condition and maintenance of the Corporate-owned property;

G.  Conduct meetings, accept applicants, and conduct other activities according to the guiding principles of Subud; and,

H.  Submit an annual Center Budget and Center Report to the AGM.

Section 5.3:  Subud Groups

A Subud Group is defined as a subdivision of members in the Region that utilizes rented or donated rooms for the purpose of regularly scheduled latihan practice.  Each Subud Group will be known as Subud California, Inc. at… (followed by the city, county or part of the city where the Group has their latihan space).  Each Subud Group will have no fewer than five members, two Helpers, one man and one woman; and a Center Committee consisting of at least a Chair and a Treasurer.  It is designated as a Subud Group provided it:

A.  Provides a Director to the Board of Directors chosen using accepted procedures;

B.  Pays its share of Regional Property insurance;

C.  Is current on all legally committed obligations;

D.  Is current in filing financial reports to the Regional Financial Office;

E.  Manages its practical affairs in cooperation with the Board of Directors; and,

F.  Conducts meetings, accepts applicants, and conducts other activities according to the guiding principles of Subud.

Neither a Subud Center nor a Subud Group may conduct latihan practice in such a way that exposes Subud California, Inc. to legal liability, i.e., using rented or owned facilities without adequate insurance coverage.

Section 5.4:  Meetings 

Each Subud Center and Subud Group will have a meeting at least once every 3 months, and an annual general meeting of members during the last quarter of the year.  Notice of each meeting will be given to their members at least 7 days prior, and quorum will be established for action.  Minutes of each Center meeting will be kept with the records of the Center, and a copy will be sent to the Executive Secretary.

Section 5.5:  Quorum

A quorum for any Subud Center or Subud Group meeting will be 25% of the current membership at that Subud Center or Group.  If the quorum is not present, the Center or Group Chair must advise the Board of Directors of the number of members that voted and a written description of the agreed-upon resolutions.

Section 5.6:  Reports

The Center or Group Committee will submit monthly financial reports to the Regional Financial Officer in timely fashion.  All Centers using corporate-owned properties will prepare an annual Center budget and financial report, submitted to the members at that Center for comment and approval, and then submitted as a report at the AGM.  Groups using rented properties are required only to submit an annual report.

Section 5.7:  Dissolution of Centers and Groups

A.  Centers that no longer have sufficient members or funds to support their corporate-owned property (as outlined in the PPM), or their Helper or Committee work, should inform the Board.  The Board of Directors must review the financial situation of the Center and initiate a professional maintenance and replacement schedule for the property.

If efforts to improve the situation do not succeed, and the center members still cannot adequately maintain their corporate-owned property, the Executive Board may assume custodianship of the property, arrange outside management, or sell the property.

B.  Members of former Centers and Groups join other established Centers or Groups, or become Regional Members.

Article 6

Annual General Meeting and Gathering of Members

Section 6.1: Description

In compliance with the California Non-Profit Religious Corporations Code, Subud California, Inc. holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the occasion of each yearly Gathering of members. The time, place, content, and agenda for each yearly Gathering is determined by the Board of Directors, Regional Helpers, and Gathering Planner.  The content and agenda of the AGM are determined by the Executive Board, working in concert with the Regional Helpers.

The yearly Gathering is a convening of the members of Subud California, Inc., in order to:

A.  Conduct the business of the Corporation at the AGM:

1.  receive reports from Helpers, Centers, Groups and standing Committees;

2.  review and approve the annual regional budget;

3.  make policies, goals and objectives for the Corporation; and,

4.  select a Planner for the next calendar year’s Gathering and AGM. using accepted procedures.

B.  Deepen the direct experience and guidance of the spiritual training of Susila Budhi Dharma through:

1.  practice of the latihan;

2.  consideration of humanitarian, educational, cultural, and entrepreneurial

interests, goals, projects, and activities; and,

3.  other activities of a spiritual nature.

Additionally, in even-numbered years, the AGM includes the election of officers.  The AGM may be held in person, virtually through internet platforms, and/or a hybrid of these.

The AGM may be held in person, virtually, or a hybrid of these.  Additionally, when election of officers occurs (usually in even-numbered years), members physically present will determine the selection.  (See PPM.)

Section 6.2:  Notice of the Annual General Meeting

Notice of each Gathering and AGM, and the specifics of its content, will be provided electronically 60 days before the event, or mailed to members who request this method of notice.  Notice will include the proposed corporate budget for the following year, to allow members’ review and approval (see Section 11.2) If sent by mail or email, or posted in any electronic newsletter, the notice shall be deemed to be delivered on its deposit in the mail or on its electronic delivery.

Section 6.3:  Role of the Planner of the Gathering

At some time during each AGM, the Planner of the next Gathering will be nominated from the floor and selected by a majority vote of those members present.  Members of the Board of Directors or its staff are not eligible for the position of Gathering Planner. The current Planner is eligible for continued terms.

The newly elected Gathering Planner will assist the outgoing Gathering Planner in the preparation of the Gathering/AGM Report, will work with the Board of Directors and Regional Helpers to plan the next Gathering and AGM, and to obtain a venue that promotes harmonious work. 

Usually in even-numbered years, the Gathering Planner will facilitate the selection of the next term’s Executive Chair and Vice Chair (see Section 6.1 for definition of these officers). The Planner will sit as a non-voting member-at-large on the Board of Directors.

Section 6.4:  Role of the Executive Chair at the AGM

During the AGM at each yearly Gathering, the Executive Chair (see Section 6.1) will establish quorum, appoint a parliamentarian, preside over and conduct the business of the AGM, and distribute standing reports.

Section 6.5:  Quorum and Voting

A quorum for the AGM is 10% of the current active membership(based on the most recent census.)

The presence of the quorum will be established at the first plenary session of the AGM.  If a quorum is present at the opening plenary session, the business of the meeting may proceed even if a quorum is not present throughout the meeting. 

Each member present in person at any AGM of the Corporation is entitled to one vote.

Once the quorum is present, motions proposed at plenary sessions shall be passed by a majority vote of the members present, provided the number of votes cast in favor of the motion equals or exceeds a majority of the quorum.

Subud California, Inc. does not have proxy voting.  If deemed necessary due to circumstances, the Board may approve a secure and appropriate form of electronic voting for members not in attendance.

Section 6.6:  Rules of Order

Meeting process and procedures are guided by Robert’s Rules of Order.  In cases of dispute, standard procedures with the Regional Helpers will be used to aim towards consensus.

Section 6.7:  Minutes

The Executive Board will provide a recorder of minutes to create a permanent record of each AGM.  A copy of the Minutes of all AGMs, and of all reports delivered at the AGMs, will be kept with the minutes of the Corporation and made available to members 60 to 90 days after the AGM.

Section 6.8:  Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called in two ways:

A.  At any time by three members of the Executive Board of the Corporation, or by any five voting members of the Board of Directors; or,

B.  By a petition requesting such an EGM, signed by at least 10% of the members, based on the most recent annual census.

The Executive Board must convene an EGM within 60 days following the receipt by the Secretary of the Corporation of such a petition.  An EGM may be held in person, virtually, or a hybrid of these.

Written notice of the time and place of an EGM shall be given to the members in the same manner as for the AGMs, except notice shall be given at least 15 days before the date of an EGM.  Once an EGM is called, the Board of Directors will appoint a mutually agreeable, widely respected Subud member who is not a current member of the Board of Directors, to act as Chair of the EGM. 

Only the proposed business described in the notice to members may be conducted at an EGM. Minutes and any reports of the EGM shall be recorded and sent to the membership within 90 days of the EGM.

A quorum for the EGM is 10% of the current active membership,based on the most recent census.

Quorum will be determined at the first plenary session of the EGM.  If a quorum is present at the opening plenary session, the business of the meeting may proceed even if a quorum is not present throughout the meeting. 

Once quorum is established, motions proposed at plenary sessions shall be passed by a majority vote of the members present, provided the number of votes cast in favor of the motion equals or exceeds a majority of the quorum.

Subud California, Inc. does not have proxy voting.  Each member present in person at any EGM of the Corporation is entitled to one vote.  If deemed necessary due to circumstances, the Board may approve a secure and appropriate form of electronic voting for members not in attendance.

Article 7

Board of Directors

Section 7.1:  Description and Composition

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Corporation.  The members of the Board of Directors will be:

A.  The Executive Officers (hereafter called the Executive Board) of the Corporation: 

the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer;

B.  One Director representing each Subud Center, one Director representing each Subud Group, and one Director representing the Regional Members in the region; and,

C.  The Gathering Planner and Regional Helpers.

The voting members of the Board of Directors are its Executive Board and Directors.  Each member of the Board of Directors has one vote.  The Regional Helpers and Gathering Planner are ex-officio non-voting members of the Board of Directors.  Subud California, Inc. has no proxy voting.

When general agreement is not reached, the Executive Chair may call on standard procedures with the Regional Helpers to aim towards consensus.

Section 7.2:  Powers and Duties

Subject to the limitations provided by law, all corporate powers and purposes will be exercised by or under authority of the Board of Directors.  The business and affairs of the corporation will be managed and conducted—and its property controlled—by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors will have a fiduciary duty to Subud California, Inc., the Corporation. The funds of the organization may only be used to support the aims and purposes of Subud. To the extent practical, the Executive Board should present any significant financial decision to the Board for review and approval. (See PPM.)

The Board of Directors will take all actions mindful of their duties of care and loyalty, and will have such other duties and powers as may be described by:

A.  The bylaws of the Corporation;

B.  Resolutions of the members at an AGM or EGM;

C.  The California Non-Profit Religious Corporations Code;

D.  The Articles of Incorporation; and,

E.  The regulations found in the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA).

Note:  Include CNRC Code and UPMIFA in the PPM

Section 7.3:  Quorum

Quorum for the Board of Directors is 2/3 of the voting Directors, including at least three Officers of the Corporation.

Section 7.4:  Term of Office

The term of office of the members on the Board of Directors will be a minimum of two years.  The Gathering Planner serves for 15 months, to allow time for report writing and training any new Gathering Planner.

All members of the Board of Directors, including the Gathering Planner, may be reappointed.

Section 7.5:  Filling a Director’s Seat on the Board

A Director’s seat representing a Subud Center or Subud Group on the Board is initially filled by a majority vote of a quorum of the members present at a meeting of the Subud Center or Group, following accepted selection procedures.

The seat for the Director representing Regional Members may be filled, both initially and in the case of a vacancy:

A.  By a nomination by the Executive Chair, after consultation with eligible Regional Members;

B.  Followed by accepted selection procedures with the Regional Helpers; and,

C.  Approval by a 3/4 majority vote of the Board of Directors.

If a Center or Group Director’s seat is vacant for any reason, that seat may be filled:

A.  In the same manner as initial selection, following accepted procedures with a majority vote of a quorum of members present at a meeting of the Subud Center or Subud Group; or,

B.  By nomination by the Executive Chair, in consultation with the members at that Center or Group, following accepted procedures with the Regional Helpers, and the approval of a 3/4 majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 7.6:  Resignations

Any member of the Board of Directors may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Regional Executive Chair or Regional Executive Secretary.  Any resignation will be effective upon receipt of written notice.  Directors who do not consistently attend regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors during their term in office may be asked, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, to resign.

Section 7.7:  Removals

Directors may be removed by a majority vote of a quorum of 25% of the members at a meeting of the corresponding Center or Group they represent.  A Director may also be removed by a 3/4 majority vote of the Board of Directors upon presentation at a meeting of the compelling evidence of cause for removal, such as failure to execute powers and duties.  The Director representing Regional members may be removed for compelling evidence of cause by a 3/4 majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The Gathering Planner may be removed for compelling evidence of cause, using accepted procedures.

Any member of the Board of Directors appointed to fill a vacancy may be removed by a 3/4 vote of the Board.  Removal from the Board of Directors constitutes a removal of that member as an Executive Officer.

Section 7.8:  Compensation and Expense Reimbursement

The members of the Board of Directors serve voluntarily, and without pay or other compensation.  Reimbursement for ordinary, budgeted expenses, such as AGM travel, incurred in performing their duties, will be permitted when a written request is submitted, with receipts, and is approved by the Executive Board. Treasurer. Extraordinary expenses need to be approved by the Executive Board. 

Section 7.9:  Fiduciary Responsibility, Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Policy

The members of the Board of Directors will at all times be subject to and comply with provisions that the corporation has established regarding conflict of interest and fiduciary responsibility.   

Each Officer and Director is required to read and sign the Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Policy Statement, and to submit a signed Disclosure form at the start of their Board term.  A signed new Disclosure Form will be submitted each calendar year of service.

Note:  a copy of the Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Policy and form will be in the Policy and Procedures Manual.

Article 8


Section 8.1:  Composition

The Officers of the Corporation, referred to as the Executive Board, will consist of a Chair (aka Regional Chair/President), a Vice Chair (aka Regional Vice-Chair/Vice President), an Executive Secretary, and a Treasurer.  The Officers of the Corporation are the Officers of the Board of Directors.  Any member of the Corporation, except a Regional Helper or the Gathering Planner, will be eligible for any office provided they are not an officer of any affiliated Subud organization.

Section 8.2:  Election of Officers of the Corporation

The Chair and Vice Chair are elected, following accepted procedures, during the even-year AGM.

Section 8.3:  Responsibilities

The Officers will be responsible for managing the ongoing operations of the Subud California, Inc. Corporation, under the policies established by the Board of Directors.  The Officers will exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM), including the oversight of all employees and contractors.

Section 8.4:  Terms of Office

The term of office for all officers will be two years, and may be extended by one term (two additional years) following accepted procedures.  Conditions and procedures for removal as stated in Article 6, Section 6.7, also apply to Officers of the Corporation.

Section 8.5:  Committees

The Executive Board will, when necessary, establish ad-hoc and standing Committees that assist in the execution of their duties.  Such Committees may provide support to ongoing issues of the Corporation such as, but not limited to: finance, personnel, fundraising, website design and maintenance, technical coordination for hybrid meetings,outreach activities, housing procurement and maintenance, bylaws, dignity of and caring for members, and organizational structure.

Section 8.6:  Vacancies during terms of office

If the position of the Chair is vacant, the Vice-Chair will become the Chair for the remainder of the current term.  A vacancy occurring in any other Officer position will be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors, and confirmed by the Regional Helpers, until the end of the current term.

Article 9

Meetings of the Board of Directors

Section 9.1:  Frequency and Notice

Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Corporation may be held in person, virtually,  through internet platforms, and/or a hybrid of these.  If necessary, Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held once per year, the legal minimum, if a majority of the Directors agree in writing, but preferably the Board of Directors will meet at least twice each year, and may meet more often as needed. 

The Board of Directors will meet at least twice each year, and may meet more often as needed. If a majority of the Directors agree in writing that it is necessary,Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held once per year, the legal minimum.

Notice of the meetings of the Board of Directors will be provided 45 days in advance of the event by electronic means.  Such notice will include the agenda and distribution of all necessary documents.

Section 9.2:  Attendance

Members of the Corporation are permitted to attend the ordinary meetings of the Board of Directors asobservers or at the invitation of the Chair of the Board of Directors.  Such members will have the right to address the Board when duly recognized by the Executive Chair, but will have no vote.

Section 9.3:  Special Meetings of the Board of Directors

Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Executive Chair or by a majority of Directors of the Corporation, with or without the Chair’s approval, with written notice to the Board members of the time, place, and subject matter of the meeting.  Special Meetings may be held in person, virtually, or a hybrid of these.  Electronic notice must be given to all members of the Board of Directors at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.

Business transacted at any Special Meeting will be limited to the purpose or purposes stated in the notice.  Minutes will be recorded and filed with corporate records, and made available to the membership 60 days after the meeting.

Section 9.4:   Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors may conduct Executive Sessions closed to all memberswhen discussing these topics:

A.  Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes;

B.  Discussion of details of security procedures;

C.  Matters that may be subject to negotiations with employees;

D.  The dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of, or the investigation of charges or complaints againsta Director, Executive Committee member, Helper, Member, employee, or contractor; or,

E.  The discussion or consideration of matters relating to gifts and bequests. and grants.

Minutes of the Executive Session of the Board of Directors will be promptly recorded, and filed with the corporate records.  No portion of the minutes of an Executive Session will be open for public inspection or subject to discovery in any administrative or judicial proceeding.

Section 9.5:  Quorum and Voting

Quorum for the Board of Directors is 2/3 of the voting Directors, including at least three Officers of the Corporation.

The voting members of the Board of Directors are the Officers making up its Executive Board, and

the Center, Group, and Regional Directors.

Each member of the Board of Directors is entitled to one vote.  There is no provision for proxy votes on the Board of Directors.  The Regional Helpers and Gathering Planner are ex-officio non-voting members of the Board of Directors.

When general agreement is not reached, the Executive Chair may call on standard procedures with the Regional Helpers to aim towards consensus.

Article 10

Financial Responsibilities

Section 10.1:  Method of Financing

The costs of conducting the business of the Corporation are financed by pledges and donations from centers, individual members, enterprises and fundraising campaigns.  It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Center/Group Committees to coordinate systems (i.e. pledges or regular donations from members) for collecting the funds necessary to:

A.  Meet the Center or Group operating requirements;

B.  Acquire properties as deemed necessary and when adequately funded; and,

C.  Maximize the property’s revenue potential in a manner consistent with the Center’s membership’s needs.

Section 10.2:  Financial Responsibilities of Members

Members will be informed of the purpose of Subud as described in the Articles of Incorporation, and of the several national and international Subud bodies founded to fulfill those purposes, and will be encouraged to contribute in a fashion commensurate with their ability and the responsibility they feel to help accomplish these purposes.

Section 10.3:  Financial Responsibilities of Centers

Center members have a responsibility to take care of their corporate-owned property, and fundraise to meet their needs.  To assist a Center in providing adequate upkeep and repair of their building, and to meet their other financial obligations, the Executive Board may intervene with training in fundraising, financial management, and property upkeep.

If, after such intervention, a Center still cannot adequately maintain their corporate-owned property, the Executive Board may assume custodianship of the property, arrange outside management, or sell the property.

Section 10.4:  Financial Decisions, Contracts and Indebtedness

A.  The funds of the organization may only be used to support the purpose and aims of Subud.

B.  To the extent practical, the Center Committee should present any significant financial decision to the members for review and approval.

C. No Center or Group Committee, or governing body, or any member acting for that governing body, will make a contract for an amount equal to more than twice their average net monthly income for the prior 12 months, or enter any agreement of indebtedness which will last 12 months or longer, without the prior approval of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

Note for PPM:  “Best practice mandates that an annual 3% of the building replacement cost be set aside for current repairs and a reserve fund for maintenance.  An example of a maintenance and repair schedule appears in the PPM.  ”  (Note:  Hamilton suggests this sentence be in the PPM, not in the bylaws.) 

Article 11

Annual Reports

Section 11.1:  Centers and Groups

The Subud Center and Subud Group Committees and their affiliated Helpers will prepare and forward an annual report to the Board of Directors.  The report will contain a description of the Center or Group activities, a membership census to determine the active membership, and a financial report.  This report will be sent to the Executive Committee no less than 60 days prior to each Annual General Meeting.

Section 11.2:  Region

The Board of Directors will prepare and forward an annual financial report and administrative Regional budget, which will be submitted to the members of the Corporation for comment and approval 60 days prior to any scheduled Annual General Meeting.  The Board of Directors and Regional Helpers will prepare and forward an annual report to Subud USA, which will contain a summary of regional activities, a census of members to determine active membership, and a financial report.  The Subud California, Inc. Regional report to Subud USA will be delivered to the National Office 35 days prior to any National Congress AGM, and will be made available to the membership.

Article 12

Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Employees and Agents

Section 12.1: Descriptions and Details 

Subud California, Inc. will purchase and maintain liability insurance on behalf of persons who are Directors, Officers, or employees of Subud California, Inc. (while serving in their capacity as such).  Such insurance will be purchased for the purpose of protecting such persons from covered loss resulting in liability asserted against the above individuals in connection with activities on behalf of Subud California, Inc..  “Liability” means any threatened, pending, or completed action or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, and “expense” includes attorneys’ fees and expenses of establishing a right to indemnification under the Article.

Section 12.2: Standards of Conduct. 

Except as provided in the PPM, the Corporation will indemnify and hold harmless any Subud California, Inc. director, officer or employee who is party to a proceeding giving rise to actual or potential Liability, provided such person meets the following “Standards of Conduct”:

A.  The person acted in good faith;

B.  They reasonably believed their conduct was lawful (or had no reasonable basis to believe otherwise); and,

C.  They believed they were serving the Corporation’s best interests.

For purposes of determining and applying the Standards of Conduct, a party acting on behalf of Subud California, Inc. in an official capacity, whether as a Director, local Committee member, or otherwise, will be subject to the Standard of Conduct set forth, regardless of the specific capacity in which they may be sued.

To Include in PPM:  To protect ourselves against members who had “no reasonable basis to believe otherwise” that their behavior was unlawful, the National Helpers should issue a Cease and Desist letter to the member whose behavior is not lawful or not in the Corporation’s best interest.

Article 13

Amendments of Bylaws

Section 13.1:  Amendment

These bylaws may be amended or repealed and new bylaws adopted in either of the following ways:

A.  By resolution at a duly called Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting; or,

B.  By the written consent of a majority of the members of the Corporation.

With any amendment or replacement under this article, every effort should be made to maintain consistency with the aim and intent of the bylaws of Subud California, Inc.

Section 13.2:  Notice

Notice of proposed bylaw amendments, repeal, or replacement, will be provided to all members by electronic means 60 days before the vote, or mailed to members who request this.  Notice will include the present bylaw language, amended language, and the reason for change(s). Amended bylaws will take effect within 60 days after a passing vote at any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, and will be made available to the membership.

Article 14


Upon the dissolution of this Corporation, after paying or adequately providing for its debts and obligations, the assets of this Corporation will be distributed to one or more Subud corporations or other Subud organizations operated exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes.

— End of Bylaws —

The members of Subud California, Inc. adopt these bylaws to further the purposes of the non-profit Religious Corporation and association as described in our Articles of Incorporation filed with the State of California in 1973, as amended.

Approved at Regional Congress, 1987

Amended at Regional Congress, 1990

Amended at Regional Congress, 2005

Amended at Regional Congress, YYYY

Have an IRA? Consider a Charitable Distribution


If you are 70 ½ or older and have a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you are eligible to make a gift from your IRA to Subud California. In many cases, these gifts are 100% tax-free and can help fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), if you must take one, allowing you to support Subud California without increasing your taxable income.
TO QUALIFY You must be age 70 ½ or older at the time you make your gift Transfers must be made directly from a traditional or Roth IRA account Gifts must be outright with no material benefits received BENEFITS of QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS (QCD): Can total up to $100,000 per year Can be used to satisfy your required minimum withdrawal (RMD) May be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes PLEASE NOTE: 
A QCD directly reduces your taxable income. It cannot be claimed as an itemized charitable deduction on your taxes.
So that we may accurately record your gift to Subud California and acknowledge you properly, please take the extra step of contacting us via email to let us know when your gift is on its way. This will augment the information provided by your financial institution and ensure smooth handling of your gift.
For more information, please contact us at
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult an attorney or tax  advisor before making a charitable gift.

THANK YOU for considering this option!
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Looking Back and Looking Forward

by Hanafi Fraval, Subud CA Regional Chair

Looking Back: The Year in Review

This past year has been dominated by two big issues in our region: sustainability of our properties and centers, and the new regional bylaws.

It became clear very quickly that 30-year loans from the region to cover the maintenance cost of individual centers is simply not sustainable. Instead, centers need to increase their revenue, mainly through additional rentals, so that they can cover their own maintenance costs. This has a side benefit of generating more group involvement and interest in a center’s Subud house.

Centers vary enormously on how well they are doing, but most are trying and are responding to the need for building their savings to take care of maintenance needs. Funds that are currently available in the region can be repurposed to finance new projects that will generate additional revenue to bring greater stability to those groups that take these initiatives.

The bylaws were last revised in 2006, so they are well and truly due for renewal. Miftah Leath, supported by several of our most experienced members, undertook a real labor of love over the past year to produce a set of thoroughly modernized and well-written new bylaws.

During September’s board meeting in Palo Alto, I set up a special committee to examine how to handle some of the key issues still in need of solution. That committee will report on January 20, at our next board meeting, when it is hoped that the modifications to the current bylaws draft will pass and be ready for a vote of adoption by the whole membership, at our regional congress in 2024.

Looking Forward
Luqman Katz, who is convening the 2024 Gathering and AGM, wrote to the Board on November 7: “The latest news from Subud Indonesia indicates their hope that the dates of the coming world congress will be July 16-28th, 2024. With that time frame in mind, our men and women California regional helpers were requested to test the rightness of holding our regional congress on August 2-6, as has been planned. Their receiving was unanimous, that it is best for us to go ahead as planned and hold our congress from August 2-6, 2024.”

At the AGM in August, a new executive team will be voted in and, of course, the all-important bylaws will be up for your approval.

On another point, it has become evident that fire insurance is likely to play an increasing role in our choices of where we locate our Subud houses – not just in the future, but even today where we have affected houses. Two groups in particular are currently reviewing their situations.

Looking ahead to the future, might we find ourselves in a position at some point to acquire or build a retreat center with good communications and many other attributes? Who knows…!?

Prayer for Peace

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Each Saturday morning following our regular regional latihan, we are offering 15 minutes to address peace in the world.

Women will start with a prayer from Bapak. Then we will ask to receive, if it be God’s will, how we may be the peace that the world needs now. Following this short latihan, we invite you, with us, to sit in our quiet for a few minutes, maintaining that feeling of peace.
Women: 605 313-4415 / code: 529243#

Men will pray in the manner that suits each person during the quiet before latihan, and have an additional 5 minutes after latihan for those who feel to pray more. The opportunity for testing is always available for those who wish.
Men: 425 436-6308 / code: 423735#

The Saturday regional latihan call-in latihan timing is 10:30 quiet, 10:45 latihan, followed by prayer and  latihan as noted above:

When we come together like this, our feeling of community strengthens. Sharing and caring can quieten our minds and open our hearts.

With love, the CA Regional Helpers:
Helena, Leanna, Sofia, Hani’a, and Isman

Join the Helpers Handbook Club!

Our Subud California regional helpers continue to host the Helpers Handbook Club monthly, to read and discuss Bapak’s guidance together. These workshops are open to ALL Subud members, and you need not have attended previously to join in!

The upcoming dates for the Helper Handbook Club are:
– Saturday, August 19th, 2023 at 3:30 pm PST
– Wednesday, Sept.20th, 2023 at 3:30 pm PST
– Saturday, October 21st, 2023 at 3:30 pm PST


If you need the Zoom link, or do not have a copy of Advice and Guidance for Bapak’s Helpers, 2018 edition, please send an email to Hani’a at: ahmngbrd(at) for information.

Regional Helpers Visit San Diego Center

by Helena Mertens, Subud CA Regional Helper

The drive Leanna and I made from our homes in the Sierra foothills to San Diego took ten hours — when GPS had calculated six hours! Safiah Dahda kindly welcomed us to her beautiful home, where we were made very comfortable for two days and had some delicious Indian home cooking! Thank you, Safiah!

When we arrived at the Subud House, I was stunned by the Subud House and grounds. Everything was beautiful and lovingly cared for, with handmade window boxes of gorgeous succulents, happy fig trees, flowering bushes, and a large tree shading the patio. Delightful!

Denise Jackson, a fairly new member to Subud, has taken over the design and upkeep of the Subud House and surrounding grounds, with help of other members participating in work parties to beautify and paint. Denise also takes care of their centerprise, renting out the Subud House when the group is not using the space. Thank you to Denise and all the members who help to make it such a special place.

Hani’a Abrams and Sofia Madden (a recent addition to our Regional Dewan) joined us for the weekend. There was harmony and community throughout the day. Latihan, a sharing circle, and test questions offered by members contributed to openness, trust, and grace as we received the blessing of the latihan.

We had a delicious lunch and plenty of time to be together, catching up with each other.

In my own experience, when we are able to attend Kedjiwaan gatherings it can be an opportunity to feel the latihan stronger and deeper within us. Thank you, Subud San Diego for a  really lovely weekend!

Love from us all
Helena, Leanna, Sofia and Hani’a

Revising our Bylaws

by Hanafi Fraval

Lucian Parshall is Subud USA’s expert on bylaws and many related areas. Levana and I attended Muhammad Subuh Foundation’s (MSF) six days of meetings in Los Angeles this past January. The item that dominated the discussion was a major revision of MSF’s bylaws. Lucian had prepared a complete revision, which he had circulated to the trustees beforehand. Each trustee, particularly two of them, made their questions, comments and inputs. It was a fascinating process to observe. I had always taken any discussion of bylaws as a yawn. We learned a lot from this process and realized it was time to take up the issue, as had been suggest by Luqman Katz, our 2019-2022 Regional Chair.

We were extremely fortunate to bring Miftah Leath into this project. She has a long history and knowledge of Subud California and its bylaws. Over the past three months she has put a huge effort into rewriting the bylaws. It has been an intensive process with zoom calls, but mostly reams of emails, back and forth. Miftah has really shown her skills, and this is our opportunity to express our deep thanks for her extraordinary effort.

We would also like express our appreciation to Rifka Several, who sent in an initial five pages of comments and has continued to provide her input to the writing of the new bylaws. Most of you know Rifka from her work with Susila Dharma and as Congress Chair and her wearing of many other hats. These roles have given her much experience that has been invaluable in the development of the new bylaws.

The Regional Councilors will receive their copies of the draft bylaws on or before April 11. We anticipate that the draft will then be sent out to members for review around April 24. Watch this space…!

Regional Committee News

by Hanafi & Levana Fraval, Chair and Vice Chair

Regional & Center Accounts

Amelia Williams, our Regional Finance Office Manager, delivered Statements of Activity for January and February 2023. for the Region, and for each Regional Center and Group. This is a momentous occasion for us, not just for your executive team but for every member in the region. Our financial reporting is now current, and will be current ongoing.

This is because Subud California decided to follow the example of Subud USA and adopt QuickBooks Online (QBO). It is also due to the diligence, competence and expertise of Amelia and our Regional Treasurer, Hamilton Chaffee. We are all indebted to both of them, and to those who have helped to get them to this point. It will help us to make informed decisions, and it will help our members to understand our true financial position at both the Regional and Center/Group levels.

Making Our Region Sustainable

Levana and I have visited all of the centers except Arcata. We got a firsthand look at our strengths and weaknesses – and our buildings! Maintenance has emerged as the main issue we must address. The bottom line is that it comes down to generating more money from our centers. Of course, COVID set us back mightily. Many groups have begun to recover from that blow, but others are struggling. The executive board is working with your councilors, property managers and rental agents to find ways to attract more clients to our centers so that we can cover both operations and maintenance. The industry standard for is to anticipate spending 4% of overall building replacement cost for maintenance each year. We have adopted a figure of 3%, and will increase this as feasible.

Regional Helpers Tour of the Region

We have asked the regional helpers, as part of their planned tour of the region in the summer, to consider doing some testing to help our members understand the inner side of our sustainability initiative. Yes, it does have an inner side. There was some truly illuminating testing done in the UK around ten years ago on this topic. Of course, the regional helpers’ trip will be focused on the kejiwaan generally, but we hope that this component will help everyone understand what is at stake.


If you are part of a Subud Group meeting in rented public premises, you may want to know how to go about insurance. Basically, this is up to Church Mutual, our insurers. You can contact Manuel Oliver ( and tell him about your latihan space, frequency of use, etc. and ask for a premium amount for the group to pay the region. Monterey and San Joaquin Valley have already done this.

If members meet at a private home, liability would need to be covered by the home insurance of the hosting property owner [per Philip Lindstrom, our National Chair].

Sustainability in Subud California

by Hanafi Fraval, Chair, Subud Calfornia

NOTE: The following working document was discussed at the Subud California Council Meeting on November 12, 2022 and further shared through conversations during visits being made by Hanafi and Levana to all our Centers. It is available here to give all members an opportunity to be aware of these concerns and of the conversations being held across the Region. 

Subud California is facing a number of challenges at present that will likely increase in the next few years. Our membership is aging and contracting. Younger members are few and far between and are very fully engaged in their lives and families, with little time to spare.

Three of our eight centers have accumulated significant debts. It will be very difficult to repay these debts and to continue to maintain these properties at the required level. Five of our groups could be said to be sustainable: Arcata, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Palo Alto and San Diego.

Typically, the profile of a sustainable group is one that has a healthy level of donations from members plus income from events, and/or long-term rental income. When talking to applicants and new members, helpers may not note that the latihan is free, but our premises are not. One of our region’s groups calculated that its current donation levels should be around $100 per month, per member; or $150 per month, per couple. The pattern around the region is that active and regular donors are merely 1/3 of the membership

Our actual member size is small. When our property insurance required Covid waivers in 2020/21, Amelia Williams created a pool of 524 members identified as active or semi-active by the most recent SUSA census count. This pool was reduced by 50 members with no email address or no longer in California. The final number of members who did reply and sign the Docusign form was 337. So, as of 1/27/21, we could confirm 337 people who considered themselves CA Subud members in some form.

It has proven difficult to find people to market and manage events in our centers. The centers that handle ongoing “one time” events pay their event managers 10 to 15% of the event revenue. In groups where there are no members with sufficient time to take up this role, hiring rental and event managers from outside of Subud is a solution.

In those groups where long-term rentals have been established, significant improvements typically have been required to make the space attractive to a commercial renter.

Responsibility of the groups

Subud California’s bylaws make a number of references to what the region must provide to the groups. But there is nothing about the responsibility of the groups to the region. In a family, the first instinct is that we help each other. We are also honest and without agenda when a family member is not quite in line, or is behaving incorrectly.

In California’s case, some of our groups are struggling, perhaps because of aging or diminishing membership, old properties, or other issues. This is where the region can attempt to help; for example, by providing the assistance of the Property Management Committee (PMC). But, whereas the PMC can help with their professional eyes, the groups can help by mobilizing all of their resources to correct situations such as poor maintenance, lagging rentals, and other issues.

We need wording in the bylaws that points out to a group, its committee, and its members that they are responsible for their Subud house. Only under extreme circumstances does the Regional Committee step in to take over management of a group (for example, where membership falls to below ten members, or where there is no committee).

The Regional Building Fund

The building fund is not for maintenance. Its primary use is to fund new capital elements of a center, or new centers, that will directly increase revenue, such as the provision of additional space that can be rented on a long-term basis. Capital improvements, alterations or additions to a property can significantly improve its income capacity, typically from long-term rentals. The return on the improvement should show a convincing case for any investment. The Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF) has the same policy.

When we use the building fund for other things, such as maintenance of a Subud house, we must first realize that money withdrawn for these other things is also withdrawn from the region. So, it is the rest of the region that pays. A further principle is that it is of paramount importance that each of us stands on his or her own feet, and does not expect others to carry the load.

Subject to Board (Regional Council) examination, analysis, and approval of any resulting actions and resolutions.

Kejiwaan Events in our Centers

from Leanna Harrison, Helena Mertens and Hani’a Abrams

Dear  Sisters and Brothers,
We three regional helpers would like to start planning kejiwaan visits to our California Subud groups in the coming year. A typical event could include latihan, testing (group and personal), a sharing circle, a talk by Bapak, eating together, schmoozing, etc. Would you like to have this kind of event at your Subud Center?

We could combine several groups together, if the centers are within driving distance, and also we could open each event to any of our brothers and sisters who would like to join us from other locations. While this letter is being sent to all our members, we anticipate that each center’s helpers and council member would help to organize these events.

As we all know, these times together help us to foster a deeper sense of what Subud means in our lives, and a greater sense of community. We are eager to start planning this for 2023 now, as we hope that Covid limitations will continue to wane.

Please let us know if there is interest in your group for this to happen.

With love,
Leanna, Helena and Hani’a

A Message from the Regional Chair

by Hanafi Fraval

One of the first goals Levana and I have set for ourselves is to visit all the Subud California centers. Our hope is to meet as many members as possible and understand each center’s successes, challenges, and aspirations. Visit are scheduled to Sacramento and Marin on October 8- 9, and to Sonoma and Santa Cruz on October 22-23. We plan visits later to San Diego, Palo Alto and Arcata.

We also want to share a vision of where we are now as a Region, what we need to do immediately and over the coming two or three years, and how to look at the next five or more years if we are to be in healthy and sustainable state.

We very much look forward to visiting you all.

NOTE: Our four new Regional Committee members were announced in August and September. If you missed those messages, you can review their brief biographies HERE

Raina Snyder is our Regional Receptionist

Raina Snyder has taken on the newly-created role of receptionist for the Region. In this role, she will handle email and calls coming to the Region and ensure they are forwarded on to the person who can best respond (NOTE: for details on how to contact the Region, please go HERE).

Raina was introduced to Subud by Reynold Bean, and opened in Berkeley at the age of 18. An original member at both the Palo Alto and Santa Cruz Subud Centers, she has also enjoyed Subud life while living in Skymount, Chicago, and Seattle.

Attending Subud Congresses at the World, USA and Regional levels has given her many everlasting memories. She has been very active in positions including Center Chair and Regional Congress team member. She lives in Soquel, where she is both a helper and treasurer at the Santa Cruz Subud Center. She also works as a Lactation Specialist with Nursing Mothers Counsel.

She looks forward to using her skills as a receptionist for our Region.

Amelia Williams is our New Finance Manager

Amelia is well known to many members due to her past service on Subud California’s Executive Committee as Regional Secretary and as Regional Chair. Her professional background is in nonprofit management and accounting. Amelia was opened in San Francisco in 1972 and is a member of the San Joaquin Valley Center. She lives near Badger with her husband Emmanuel.  

In California she has served as Chair, Treasurer, Regional Councilor, and as helper in various centers. While living in England, she served as a Center Chair and as the National Executive Chair. And, at the international level, she managed the Puebla World Congress Gift Shop and and is currently the Administrator for SICA International.

She is an active mosaic artist whose work has been seen in several galleries. The mosaic at right is based on a painting by one of her two beloved grandchildren, which her granddaughter named “Nana.”

Amelia is also president of the Sequoia Community Center, which she co-founded with Sulfiati Harris in 2019. Supporting operations and ongoing development there is a special gift, enabling her to ‘give back’ much of what she learned professionally and received in life.

We are fortunate to have her broad experience in both the world of Subud and financial management available to us in her new role.

Elna Cooke to Serve as Regional Secretary

Elna Cooke has agreed to serve on the Subud California Executive Committee as Secretary, effective September 2022. Having served a partial team as Regional Secretary previously, plus a full term as Regional Helper from 2014-2018, she brings a broad understanding of the responsibilities of the Regional Committee and the needs of members across California to her new role.

Elna was opened in Aspen, Colorado in September, 1972. After becoming a local helper in 1985, while living in Europe, she moved to LA in 1986. She has been a helper at the LA Subud Center since that time, except when serving in Regional roles.

An artist, designer, Elna taught college fashion design classes for fifteen years and also managed two properties in LA. After living for a year in Keaau on the Big Island, Hawaii, she has returned to California and is now living in Laguna Beach

She is looking forward to working with this lovely team as part of the Regional Committee! 

Hamilton Chaffee to Serve as Regional Treasurer

Hamilton Chaffee was appointed to the Subud California Regional Executive Committee as Treasurer in September, 2022.

A long time member of the Sacramento Subud Center, he served as Regional Councilor for Sacramento from 2015 to 2017, as well as for a prior term. Having also served as Regional Treasurer for Subud California in a prior term, he brings a wealth of experience to the role.

After gaining his BA from Stanford and MA from UCLA, Hamilton’s career has included overseeing the development and operation of large scale information technology systems, both financial and operational. His broad experience in strategic planning, system design, and project management includes leadership positions in a wide spectrum of healthcare operations organizations in areas such as workman compensation, health insurance, managed care, disability services, HMO’s and clinical communications services.

During his term as Treasurer for the Region, he hopes to help in the transition of Subud California to a more stable financial foundation.

2022 Congress Reflections – Hani’a

By Hani’a Abrams, Regional Helper

I am grateful for our 2022 congress. My gratitude goes out to the congress committee. I witnessed that many members were satisfied with how the business of the congress went, and found the kejiwaan content valuable, so give thanks to my fellow regional helpers.

Going forward, there is a real need for members to offer themselves in service to the Subud California/Nevada Region. We have a need for male and female regional helpers, and for important regional and congress committee positions. Hani’a asks that you please take into quiet account this gift of the latihan from Almighty God. Is the latihan for ‘free’? Does this gift from God not require our service to one another and to all humanity?

Obligation can be felt as a heavy thing, yet in my personal experience when inspired from the God awakened jiwa, it is a gift. The latihan is to be ‘put into action’ in every aspect of our lives, so Hani’a asks that members consider from their awakened jiwa, not if, but when and how they can and will step up in service of meeting the needs of our membership and organizational structure regionally and locally.

Big thanks to those members who have and are shouldering the blessed burden, and to those who will lend their shoulders to the future.

Love to all!

2022 Congress Reflections – Helena

By Helena Mertens, Regional Helper

Into the quiet… deepening our surrender… living our guidance.

When we regional helpers were asked to receive the theme of the California Congress we came up with “deepening our surrender together.“ Since that became the theme of the Congress, Leanna and I decided to craft some testing around that. The resulting testing questions were:

1. What is the significance and benefit to getting quiet in my daily life and before my latihan?
2.  What does surrender mean to me as it refers to the latihan?
3.  When we stay in our quiet and deepen our surrender, how does that affect our ability to follow our guidance in our lives?

We offered this testing at the end of the latihan on Saturday morning during Congress. When the third question was asked my receiving was very strong and immediate: “Yes, Helena, that’s what it’s all about!” “ Do it!” Receiving it so clearly and in my face, it felt possible!

I was very grateful and happy to be able to be with my sisters in latihan, receiving together in person. It was delightful working with Leanna and all the other team members. At one point, Rifka commented to all of us, “Harmony is efficient!” That is so true!

Going forward, we are looking for another Regional Helper woman and perhaps two more Regional Helper men. Let us know if you are interested in being part of this Dewan, part of the future of Subud California in a very active way.

And a reminder to all Subud sisters, we continue to offer a Saturday Regional Latihan on the second, third and fourth Saturdays of each month at 10:30 AM, 10:15 quiet. We also offer testing immediately after the latihan on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month if you wish to participate.

And, look for “The Helper Handbook Monthly Meeting” where we’ll go through the book so we can understand more completely Bapak’s guidelines for us. We will be offering that very soon to any members who wish to join us.

With love and gratitude to all!

2022 Congress Reflections – Leanna

Leanna Harrison, Regional Helper

After finishing my sushi, avocado feta tartines, and a guilty sliver of chocolate mousse pie, I walk back beside long-known friends for another precious Latihan. Later, as sisters begin to gather for testing, I grab the iPad full of female faces and slink off to a designated Testing Room. One person suggests going off the rail, “Let’s test something other than Awareness.” “OK.” I respond, “Let’s customize together.”

Quickly, deep questions are formed: How do I live and understand my aging process? How would God have it be? What is the purpose of my life in accordance with God‘s will? What steps can I take to achieve God‘s purpose? We discuss, sit quiet, and up arises “What keeps me from openly sharing the importance and meaning of Subud with other people?” It feels this session was just what we all needed.

Another day, as we begin testing about harmony, many sharing their individual receiving on a microphone, we bring the face of each speaker to the virtual members by passing the crowded iPad screen between us. It kinda worked! Rest assured next hybrid Congress, virtual members will join our circle on a large, full screen feeling a part and sharing their ideas more easily. Thank you’s to those so willing to be the first digital devotees.

Again we send out our request for perhaps you to join our Regional Helper team. It can begin simply by testing in your own bedroom “What is my willingness to serve Subud?” As Hani’a asked us all, “…not if, but when…” For me, working with dear Helena and wise Hani’a has been a sweet gift in both my life and my worship. Who knew?

For the election of the new committee, once again we were able to witness one gift we all possess…testing. The perfect duo was chosen after receiving both strengths and weaknesses in their vibrant yet challenging position. I learned to always be honest in my receiving and sometimes, if reluctant to share, ask for the correct words to express it. We would like to welcome Hanafi and Levana Fraval as Chair and Vice Chair of our region! I look forward to our dynamic future together as Subud.

Sending love and thanks to all.