
Planning for the Subud CA Congress, August 2-4 2024

Our Congress Theme

We thank our Regional Helpers for this compelling Congress theme: “Awakening our sincerity, deepening our surrender. Beginning with our bodies, truly opening to the Power of God.” It will surely inspire both our kejiwaan and business activities together.

Seeking candidates to test for Regional Helper
The 4 year term of the California Regional Helpers ends at the 2024 Congress and testing for the new Dewan will be done at this Congress.

California local helpers who are interested in serving in the next term are urged to pre-test on this with other helpers prior to the Congress. The final testing will be done at the Congress by the outgoing Regional Helpers and any National Helpers that are available to test. Serving on the Regional Helper Dewan is truly a blessing from God.

Seeking Youth Volunteers for the Subud CA Congress 

The Congress team seeks young people (age 15 to 20) to staff and manage the coffee & tea service at the Subud CA 2024 Regional Congress this summer. Volunteers are needed for shifts from Friday afternoon, August 2 to the close of Congress. The team will brew coffee, ensure that snacks, paper cups, tea bags, and creamers are available, and collect payment. As part of it, you’ll help raise money for a youth fund for future Congresses. To learn more, contact Raina Snyder at

Semarang 2025!

The year 2025 will be special: it will be 100 years since Bapak Subuh received the latihan kejiwaan for the first time, when he was in Semarang.

Subud Indonesia is planning several events to be held in Semarang as part of celebrating this anniversary. Subud members from around the world will be welcomed. The flyer below provides initial information on these events.

Look for more details and planning information, which will be forthcoming from Subud Indonesia.

Regional Congress 2024 Venue!

by Luqman Katz, 2024 Congress Chair

With guidance from our regional helpers and the unanimous approval of your councilors, we will be celebrating Subud California’s 2024 Regional Congress at UC Santa Barbara on Aug. 2-5, 2024. This will be our third event at this beautiful ocean side location.

The Regional Council members will arrive in time to attend a Regional Council meeting on Friday August 2, and the registration desk to the Congress itself will open at 3pm that afternoon.  

Stay tuned for more details in the next regional newsletter, including opportunities to volunteer for the for Congress team! We are excited about the opportunity to all be together once more.

A Rich Subud USA 2023 Congress Experience

By Lianne Card

Our National Congress felt like a family reunion where about 200 people gathered in person for the first time since the pandemic. Held in Washington, DC from September 7th thru 11th, it was also a business congress where new officers were elected by delegates from across the country. Finally, we had a chance to tour the Subud WSA archives housed in the Amani Center and experience the new combined campus of the Amani Center and new Twin Oaks property.

The setting for the congress was the Crowne Plaza Hotel, a former Marriott hotel. The property is located in College Park, not far from the University of Maryland campus and 3 ½ miles from the Amani Center. The Crowne Plaza provided all the spaces we needed—grand ballrooms for the three latihans a day, break out rooms for testing, and a dining room that served great food. You could see clusters of Subud members in every corner of the hotel, deep in conversation. Looking down from our rooms, we could notice the first trees in the park-like setting begin to show their famous East Coast colors. The changing season also provided a sampler of weather with high 90’s heat at the beginning, two nights of thunder and lightning, then actual rain on Saturday when we were bused to and from the Amani Center events.

Some members from the MidWest and even farther regions combined a “great American road trip” with traveling to D.C. Some enjoyed tourist time in the Capital and quaint towns Not since the 2014 Sofitel Congress in Redwood City were so many members in the mood to attend a national gathering.

We hosted international visitors. These included Suyano Sumohadiwidjojo, WSA Executive and Nahum Harlap, the WSA Chair, plus Hannah de Roo, Zone Representative from Zone 3. Mathew Moir of the WSA Archives came to confer with the Subud USA Archive team. Rashidah Pope from Canberra, Australia attended so she could use our Archives to complete writing Volume 3 of The History of Subud. She is finishing Harlinah Longcroft’s lifetime project after Harlinah’s passing.

Suyono expressed confidence that the Kalimantan Congress date is firm: July 18-28, 2024. Permissions have been obtained from the Indonesian authorities to proceed with our international gathering during a year of Indonesian elections.

With meticulous attention to detail by the Congress team (especially Philip Lindstrom and Alexandra ter Horst, our Operations Manager), everything that needed to happen unfolded seemingly effortlessly. The National Helpers supported the entire event with marathon testing for officers and many roles as well as offering personal testing. During the opening ceremony, the National Helpers and Committee greeted members with a rendition of “Here Comes the Sun.” to signal that our “long cold lonely winter” was over!

A new National Committee was selected by testing and voting. Philip Lindstrom continues as chair for a new two-year term. (He previously completed Lucas Boladian’s term when Lucas moved on to the Amani Center project.) His new Vice-Chair is Simon Curran of the Midwest region. John Tjia of New York takes over as treasurer from Rafiq Dosani who heroically steered us through the past eight complex years. The new national secretary is Rifka Several. Alexandra Boyer will continue in the Committee Councilor position until the next World Congress. During this interim period, Sonia Shooshan will “shadow” Alejandra’s activity as “Committee Councilor in Waiting” and begin her full term in 2024 after Kalimantan.

For the first time in five years, we finally have Subud Youth Association (SYA) Chairs: Grace Zieman and Valentia Pollard. Rosetta Narvaez will serve as SES Chair. Fauziah Ishak will continue as Chair of Susila Dharma for another three-year term.  Rosanna Schutte continues as SICA Chair. In summary, for the first time in many years we have a full slate of officers! And all our Wings have leadership!

Rosetta Narvaez and Lucian Parshall served as Business Congress Chairs. They led the deliberations and discussion with 47 delegates representing all regions of Subud USA. (The number of delegates is established by the annual census.) This year, we even exceeded the number of delegates required for a quorum. The delegates were diligent, focused and serious making decisions about all resolutions from previous congresses and current recommendations.

Several longer-term efforts were launched. Rosetta Narvaez will be the point person for a reconsideration of our Governance documents including Bylaws, the Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) and training materials for incoming committee members. Rosetta Narvaez will lead a standing Ad Hoc committee to revise these documents over the next two years. Lucian Parshall will be the point person for a team of financial experts who will revise our current policy for the Subud USA Endowment.

In other presentations of note, Rifka Several presented the proposal by Subud Canada and Subud USA for hosting the 2028 Congress. Two sites being considered are Calgary and Montreal. Elaina Dodson provided an update on MSM and Susila Dharma held a well-attended annual meeting with a video presentation about the projects being supported this year. Michael Barber as Vice-Chair led the meeting because SD Chair Fauziah Ishak could not attend. Another highlight of the Congress was the In Memoriam slide show that honored so many of our brothers and sisters who passed in the last three years. The show elicited grief and tears but also sweet memories.

At Sunday night’sEntertainment & Beyond”, we celebrated with Halimah Collingwood as impresario and MC. Highlights included a participatory opening number by a Sundanese Angklung group who use traditional wood instruments from West Java. Four out of nine Subud members from the Washington area are members of this ensemble. They use hand-held bamboo instruments that are each tuned to one note on the scale. When members of the ensemble distributed instruments to everyone  we became an instant orchestra. The director Ari taught us to respond to her hand signals as we played  first “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star“ and then miraculously, Elvis Presley’s hit “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” The exercise was an ice breaker that made us feel united and thrilled to be together. Angklung orchestras are still a vital and fascinating part of Indonesian culture.

Multiple Subud members performed original and remembered music, and poetry. Maia Chisholm on the harp accompanied Halimah Polk reciting a poem. New and veteran performers reminded us how the latihan can bring out our unique talents if we have the courage to share them. The evening was anchored by seasoned musicians Eli Dokson and Halimah Collingwood, and concluded with another participatory exercise, a “goodbye dance” led by Kristiana Kalab.

We are still processing our rich experience together.

The next National Congress will be a “kejiwaan” congress, likely to be held on the West Coast in 2024. Stay tuned !

Central Coast Groups Get Together

By Colleen Anderson, Subud CA at Monterey

The central coast groups at Santa Cruz and Monterey share more than a fog line to offer cool beaches when everybody inland is baking! The Santa Cruz group has their beautiful house in Soquel, while the Monterey group has met in various locations over the years since it was founded in Carmel Valley. For the last few years, we have met in the town of Marina. As this is the closest we has been to Santa Cruz, it reduces travel time for Santa Cruz members to join us there on occasion for latihan and potluck.

Over the years, several members have gone back-and-forth between the groups, so we are pretty interconnected. We’ve gotten together twice in 2023, and hope to continue the tradition, perhaps once a quarter. The photo below of a recent get together was shot outside the Marina Library, using an iPhone and tripod, which created a couple of timing issues.

Raina Snyder did not have time to get into the shot after setting it up. I seem to be searching for a UFO, as the shot was supposed to have been done by that time!I But, it is always spiritually and socially invigorating when our two groups meet together to surrender and break bread.

From left to right above: Hosanna Quintin, Rohana LoSchiavo, Colleen Anderson, Cary Lowney, Isman Kanafsky, Anthony LoSchiavo, Stephen Reynolds, Doug Card, Lianne Card, Gregory Tarsy

Menucha: Fall 2023 Kejiwaan Gathering

Registration for our Fall Kejiwaan Gathering at the Menucha Retreat and conference center is now open.

You have 60 days to register, but don’t delay as we’re expecting bookings to go fast. Due to requirements from the conference center, we must close registrations on October 8, so Act Now!

Need financial aid, wait to register and see section below.

Here’s changed due to Menucha’s price and policy changes:

  • Buildings available to us: Wright, Ballard, The Barn (for 2 or 3 nights) and Boyd (Boyd for 2 nights only)
  • This year we’ll have five “deluxe” couples-oriented rooms
  • All plans must include meals. And, no cooking will be allowed in The Barn
  • Only 8 commuter spots allowed for only Friday and Saturday. These spots must include meals.  
  • After the 8 commuter spots are filled, for only $75 more we’re providing 15 “commuter plus” spots – stay Friday and Saturday only, and including an upper bunk if you want to stay over Friday night.
  • All rooms rates include bedding.
  • There will be no Gift Shop. 

What’s not changed? 

  • The great group latihans 
  • Insightful testing 
  • Inspiring conversations 
  • The breathtaking view above the Columbia Gorge. 
  • The grounds in and around the Menucha Conference and Retreat Center  
  • And, fabulous entertainment, reflective solitude, and a welcome opportunity to take a break from the rigors of everyday life. 
  • The joy of spending relaxed time with your PNW Subud community and neighbors
  • There will be the Portland Susila Dharma Silent Auction 

We hope you will join us for this extraordinary weekend. You’ll be glad you did!   

Help those that need financial aid to attend – Donations Please!

As in past years events, we are anticipating that there will be some needing assistance. In order to help these members, we’ve created an opportunity for you to contribute to this fund. When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

If you prefer to donate to the Assistance Fund via check, please send your check to:

Morris McClellan, 3127 NE 103rd Pl, Apt. B, Portland, OR 97220-2866 

Needing Financial Aid?

If you’re needing financial aid, please wait to register. We encourage those who need financial assistance to fill out a request form here. All requests for financial must be completed by 9/24. Requests will be tested by the Regional Helpers and those requesting aid will be notified by 10/1.


  • We are opening registration on August 8th to allow those wishing to attend 60 days to register. All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 8th and be paid in full at the time of registration.  
  • All prices listed are per-person. No rooms are charged by room, although these are intended for couples. You may register up to 4 people at one time.  

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)  

Questions about the event and financial aid inquiries can be sent to: menucharegistrar<AT>

Entertainment Night at the Gathering

Is there ever an Entertainment Night at a Congress or Subud event that starts on time? Well, at the San Damiano Retreat Center, it was as close as you will ever get. A beautiful dance by our regional helper, Helena Mertens set the tone for the evening, with an improvised song from Sofia Madden backing her.

Gospel songs from our sister, Hosanna Bauer from Sonoma filled the Chapel with the power and lyricality her voice – we especially loved it when she included the audience, providing tambourines for the seven who raised their hands. Thank God they could keep a beat.

Halimah Collingwood, the MC and organizer of the night, and Melissa Joy, her understudy, kept the audience laughing with spontaneous silliness but also some astute and timely jokes, quips and sarcasm including when Philip Lindstrom played his Woodstock red guitar singing several songs from Mexico. Only if you were there would you remember Halimah saying, “Or even in Spanish.” You’ll have to ask a friend the meaning of that remark.

We had excellent poetry from Emmanuel Williams, Raina Snyder and Leanna Harrison, finger-picking from Reynold Weissinger, songs from Stephanie Ferreira, and also Lucas who, it was said, traveled all the way from England to sing for us. Damon Hyldreth shared his Subud joining and Sculpture calling story which is always worth remembering.

The final burst of energy was a “growing-up in Subud” tale from Hamid Martin. Moving or gliding across the stage with occasional physical theatre drama, we all laughed when he referred to the audience as, “people who look like you guys” — again, you had to be there. Ending the night was a well-known Hawaiian farewell song with the words written large enough for us all to sing along with Hosanna Bauer.

Another wonderful evening of Joy, Laughter and Love shared by our Subud members came to an end. Just remember, you MUST come to Congress next year. It can only get better.

Sara Couden Sings Locally this Summer

Sara Couden, daughter of Henry and Priscilla Couden, is performing at several events this summer:

– With West Edge Opera as Ottavia in Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea: 22 July at 8pm, July 23 at 3pm, and August 3 at 8pm, at the Scottish Rite Center, 1546 Lakeside, Oakland.
–  With Lamplighters as Castiscià  (Katisha) in Il Ducato (The Mikado set in Renaissance Italy): August 12 & 13, Mountain View Performing Arts Center; August 19 & 20; San Francisco Yerba Buena; August 26 & 2, Walnut Creek Lesher Center.

Reflections on the 2023 Regional Gathering

Subud members came together over the Memorial Day weekend for latihan and fellowship. The team, led by Chair Meldan Heaslip, offered a delightful and restorative experience for all. A big thank you to Meldan, and to all the team members who enabled it to happen. Reports from several attendees, below, give a sense of setting and flow.

by Sanderson Morgan

Approximately 150 California Subud members and a few from other regions in the United States, met at the Franciscan San Damiano retreat center in Danville, California May 25 – 29, 2023. The center is situated in the mountains above Danville and surrounded by an Oak forest and an abundance of native plants of which many are still in bloom.

San Damiano itself is modeled after northern Mediterranean architecture with tiled roofs and a large inner arched courtyard filled with gardens. The guest rooms are within this area and there are many surrounding woodland trails along with views of Mt. Diablo to the east.

There were six scheduled latihans over the weekend, frequent testing sessions, workshops and communal meals. There were many opportunities for deep receivings, inner work and, for many, new ways to see their own lives going forward. The weather was ideal, the company was good and all enjoyed many reunions.

by Sylvia des Tombe

From Friday the 26th until after lunch on Monday the 29th of June, many of us attended the 2023 California Regional Subud Gathering. It took place in Danville, California, at a retreat named in honor of Saint Damian, a faithful follower of Saint Francis of Assisi.

It was an ideal location, as there were ample meeting halls for our latihans and times when we wanted to be all together, and there were medium-sized places for workshops and testing.  Everywhere there were gardens and fountains, places to sit outside,  and the bedrooms were spartan but definitely adequate for our needs (and reasonable for our pocketbooks).

We started by hearing the names of everyone on Friday night at the gathering after dinner, and a highlight was the Saturday night entertainment, where we witnessed and enjoyed  poetry, music and even birdsong.

When people used to ask Bapak about doing latihan on their own, he would answer that each of us was like a light bulb, and when there were many lightbulbs shining all together, that was the best. We experienced many latihans together, and there is little more wonderful than having people of different nationalities and religions worshiping peacefully side by side! Best of all, we had a chance to receive in the latihan what ‘gifts’ we were bringing to the gathering and which we were receiving.

Saint Damian, after whom our retreat was named, was a martyr saint. He lived with his brother in Cilicia, southern Turkey, between the third and fourth centuries. He and his brother were doctors who treated the sick without asking payment, and both died as martyrs during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian.  Their cult had immediate diffusion, in part, because several people who had invoked them experienced miraculous cures. They are always depicted together, with containers of drugs and medical instruments. They are invoked against the plague, glandular inflammation, kidney problems, gall stones and distemper.  They are the protectors of doctors, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, midwives, barbers and hairdressers.

by Haryanti Jones

The venue is beautiful! The cold weather didn’t stop us from hanging outside and doing hikes around the property. And, the fact that it’s a worshipping place makes it even better! The space of the venue is perfect for the size (the number of people) of the gathering. The food was delicious. They provide gluten free and vegan food for people who have special diets. How wonderful!

We had sharing circles and an entertainment night, but we didn’t have a Bapak Talk. Bapak left us with so many talks to help us to understand better about kejiwaan. Something to include next time!

The helpers were very helpful during latihans and testings. We were blessed to have them all at the gathering. The local, regional, and national helpers were very kind, helpful, and accommodating. 

Subud women enjoy a light moment together during the Gathering.

Annual General Meeting

Reports on Regional Finances and an initiative to update our Bylaws plus Center reports made at the Annual General Meeting held at San Damiano during the Gathering are available HERE.

Join Latihan during 2023 CA Regional Gathering

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
During the 2023 Subud California Regional Gathering this coming weekend, May 26-29, there will be six opportunities to participate in latihan with the Congress attendees, from wherever you may be.

The regional helpers will offer call-in access to latihan at 9:15am PT in both the morning and evening during the Gathering. Those not attending on-site are warmly invited to join, using the same phone numbers as used for the Saturday morning Regional latihan, as shown below:

Women: (605) 313 4415    Code: 529243#
Men:    (435) 436 6308    Code: 423735#

Latihan times during the Regional Gathering:

Friday, May 26:
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Saturday, May 27:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Sunday, May 28:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Monday, May 29:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am

Please join – all are welcome!
Your regional helpers, Helena, Leanna, and Hani’a

Latihan during the 2023 Regional Gathering!

During the 2023 Subud California Regional Gathering this coming weekend, May 26-29, there will be six opportunities to participate in latihan with the Congress attendees, from wherever you may be.

The regional helpers will offer call-in access to latihan at 9:15am PT in both the morning and evening during the Gathering. Those not attending on-site are warmly invited to join, using the same phone numbers as used for the Saturday morning Regional latihan, as shown below:

Women: (605) 313 4415    Code: 529243#
Men:    (435) 436 6308    Code: 423735#

Latihan times during the Regional Gathering:

Friday, May 26:
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Saturday, May 27:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Sunday, May 28:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am
– Evening quiet time at 9:15 pm; latihan at 9:30pm
Monday, May 29:
– Morning quiet time at 9:15 am; latihan at 9:30am
Please join – all are welcome!

For more about the Congress, go to:

Announcing Our 2023 Regional Gathering!

by Meldan Heaslip, 2023 Congress Chair

Save the date! Our 2023 Subud CA Regional Gathering will be held over Memorial Day weekend, May 26–29, at the beautiful, and new to us, San Damiano Retreat.

This St. Francis of Assisi retreat center is nestled in the oak-filled hills above Danville, looking out to Mount Diablo in the San Francisco Bay Area. For those traveling by air, the center is just 40 minutes from Oakland airport.

The center is wonderfully set up for us to make the best of our time together, with a central courtyard of plants, trees, and a fountain offering many places to sit and be, onto which the meeting rooms, dining hall, and block of bedrooms open. We have the retreat center to ourselves from Friday afternoon to Monday lunch, for three days of latihan, kejiwaan sessions, hanging out and enjoying good, healthy food.

The bedrooms are small, each with its own bathroom, and rooms can be arranged for single or double occupancy. Families with little ones can be together in one room. We are very eager for our young families and children to attend; there will be childcare and special low rates for kids.

It is always wonderful when we get together, and even more special when we gather at a place where we can so easily just be ourselves. The lodging, dining room and latihan halls are all very close to each other, and there are many hiking trails for when it’s time to stretch ones legs. More information coming soon. Please do save the date!

Entrance to the San Damiano Retreat center

Kejiwaan Events in our Centers

from Leanna Harrison, Helena Mertens and Hani’a Abrams

Dear  Sisters and Brothers,
We three regional helpers would like to start planning kejiwaan visits to our California Subud groups in the coming year. A typical event could include latihan, testing (group and personal), a sharing circle, a talk by Bapak, eating together, schmoozing, etc. Would you like to have this kind of event at your Subud Center?

We could combine several groups together, if the centers are within driving distance, and also we could open each event to any of our brothers and sisters who would like to join us from other locations. While this letter is being sent to all our members, we anticipate that each center’s helpers and council member would help to organize these events.

As we all know, these times together help us to foster a deeper sense of what Subud means in our lives, and a greater sense of community. We are eager to start planning this for 2023 now, as we hope that Covid limitations will continue to wane.

Please let us know if there is interest in your group for this to happen.

With love,
Leanna, Helena and Hani’a

Offering a Hybrid Congress

Offering a congress with both onsite and virtual attendees was challenging, but very worthwhile. We are SO thankful for the technical skill, knowledge ad patience of Haryanti Jones (Subud LA Center). She made it all possible by managing the Zoom events throughout the Congress, with help from Henry Couden.

Haryanti is also an entrepreneur who provided custom made Subud symbol cookies to be auctioned off for fundraising (pictured at left).

Microphones and speakers were used to help all participants hear as well as see events. Zoom access ensured that all members of the Regional Council could participate in the meeting held on Friday, as well as observers. On Saturday, virtual Congress attendees were able to view the AGM and entertainment on their devices. On Monday, separate onsite and virtual sharing circles provided a forum for all to comment.

It was sometime challenging to keep things in synch for virtual attendees, especially when events started later than scheduled. We learned that having a virtual event “coordinator”, who could maintain contact with those not present in person throughout, would be helpful for future hybrid events. The Congress team hopes to continue refining the hybrid congress model in future.

Guidance for World Congress

a message from the International Helpers

The International Helper Dewan* met together 14 June – 26 June 2022. During our gathering we received the latihan together and explored aspects of our kedjiwaan practice and developments within Subud. One of our focuses was looking toward the World Congress in Kalimantan. Through God’s guidance we were able to understand various needs and benefits for our Subud family which we wish to share with you:

● The content of the Congress is the opportunity to worship Almighty God as one.

● We felt the general Latihan should take place every other day, simultaneously if possible. If not, women should do Latihan first, followed by men. This is because of the special character of the place. It seems that every activity will have a deep feeling of worship.

● Bapak talk to be scheduled as a main part of the Congress programme, not as a separate activity.

● Saturdays and Sundays to be set aside for kedjiwaan and wings activities. There is the opportunity to feel the essence of God in every activity we undertake during Congress. Not only in the Latihan.

● The aim of Congress activities is for convergence, not separate and competing options. It is very important that we have one Congress and not many.

● Kalimantan is truly a special place. It is land selected by Bapak for the purpose of developing Subud activities and enterprises guided by God. It is correct that through the hosting of the World Congress, the attention of our organisation has a focus there at this time. There is an element of necessary *prihatin in the implementation of the Congress.

With love
The Dewan of International Helpers

*Dewan – An Indonesian word meaning “council” – a word used when we are talking about a group: a group of helpers (the regional helper dewan) or the group of helpers and committee members (the national dewan)

*Prihatin – An intentional, worshipful practice of reducing a pleasure such as eating or sleeping; the Ramadan and Lenten fasts are examples

2022 Congress Reflections – Hani’a

By Hani’a Abrams, Regional Helper

I am grateful for our 2022 congress. My gratitude goes out to the congress committee. I witnessed that many members were satisfied with how the business of the congress went, and found the kejiwaan content valuable, so give thanks to my fellow regional helpers.

Going forward, there is a real need for members to offer themselves in service to the Subud California/Nevada Region. We have a need for male and female regional helpers, and for important regional and congress committee positions. Hani’a asks that you please take into quiet account this gift of the latihan from Almighty God. Is the latihan for ‘free’? Does this gift from God not require our service to one another and to all humanity?

Obligation can be felt as a heavy thing, yet in my personal experience when inspired from the God awakened jiwa, it is a gift. The latihan is to be ‘put into action’ in every aspect of our lives, so Hani’a asks that members consider from their awakened jiwa, not if, but when and how they can and will step up in service of meeting the needs of our membership and organizational structure regionally and locally.

Big thanks to those members who have and are shouldering the blessed burden, and to those who will lend their shoulders to the future.

Love to all!

2022 Congress Reflections – Helena

By Helena Mertens, Regional Helper

Into the quiet… deepening our surrender… living our guidance.

When we regional helpers were asked to receive the theme of the California Congress we came up with “deepening our surrender together.“ Since that became the theme of the Congress, Leanna and I decided to craft some testing around that. The resulting testing questions were:

1. What is the significance and benefit to getting quiet in my daily life and before my latihan?
2.  What does surrender mean to me as it refers to the latihan?
3.  When we stay in our quiet and deepen our surrender, how does that affect our ability to follow our guidance in our lives?

We offered this testing at the end of the latihan on Saturday morning during Congress. When the third question was asked my receiving was very strong and immediate: “Yes, Helena, that’s what it’s all about!” “ Do it!” Receiving it so clearly and in my face, it felt possible!

I was very grateful and happy to be able to be with my sisters in latihan, receiving together in person. It was delightful working with Leanna and all the other team members. At one point, Rifka commented to all of us, “Harmony is efficient!” That is so true!

Going forward, we are looking for another Regional Helper woman and perhaps two more Regional Helper men. Let us know if you are interested in being part of this Dewan, part of the future of Subud California in a very active way.

And a reminder to all Subud sisters, we continue to offer a Saturday Regional Latihan on the second, third and fourth Saturdays of each month at 10:30 AM, 10:15 quiet. We also offer testing immediately after the latihan on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month if you wish to participate.

And, look for “The Helper Handbook Monthly Meeting” where we’ll go through the book so we can understand more completely Bapak’s guidelines for us. We will be offering that very soon to any members who wish to join us.

With love and gratitude to all!

2022 Congress Reflections – Leanna

Leanna Harrison, Regional Helper

After finishing my sushi, avocado feta tartines, and a guilty sliver of chocolate mousse pie, I walk back beside long-known friends for another precious Latihan. Later, as sisters begin to gather for testing, I grab the iPad full of female faces and slink off to a designated Testing Room. One person suggests going off the rail, “Let’s test something other than Awareness.” “OK.” I respond, “Let’s customize together.”

Quickly, deep questions are formed: How do I live and understand my aging process? How would God have it be? What is the purpose of my life in accordance with God‘s will? What steps can I take to achieve God‘s purpose? We discuss, sit quiet, and up arises “What keeps me from openly sharing the importance and meaning of Subud with other people?” It feels this session was just what we all needed.

Another day, as we begin testing about harmony, many sharing their individual receiving on a microphone, we bring the face of each speaker to the virtual members by passing the crowded iPad screen between us. It kinda worked! Rest assured next hybrid Congress, virtual members will join our circle on a large, full screen feeling a part and sharing their ideas more easily. Thank you’s to those so willing to be the first digital devotees.

Again we send out our request for perhaps you to join our Regional Helper team. It can begin simply by testing in your own bedroom “What is my willingness to serve Subud?” As Hani’a asked us all, “…not if, but when…” For me, working with dear Helena and wise Hani’a has been a sweet gift in both my life and my worship. Who knew?

For the election of the new committee, once again we were able to witness one gift we all possess…testing. The perfect duo was chosen after receiving both strengths and weaknesses in their vibrant yet challenging position. I learned to always be honest in my receiving and sometimes, if reluctant to share, ask for the correct words to express it. We would like to welcome Hanafi and Levana Fraval as Chair and Vice Chair of our region! I look forward to our dynamic future together as Subud.

Sending love and thanks to all.

Report on the 2022 Annual General Meeting

by Rifka Several, 2022 Congress Chair

Thank you to those who attended our Subud California Regional Congress, both onsite and online! A team worked together for more than a year to bring our first “hybrid” congress to you, following successful virtual annual meetings in 2020 and 2021. I chaired the Annual General Meeting, where we needed to elect a new chair and vice chair for the Region.

Ahead of Congress, the methods for testing, either in person or via zoom, were distributed to all members. For in-person testing, we continued to follow guidelines set by the Subud USA National Helpers. For testing via Zoom, the guidelines were provided specifically for our congress by the International Helpers, signed by all eighteen.

We had one nominee for chair at the meeting, and no Zoom nominees. Hanafi Fraval tested to be chair, using all the rounds of testing in the outlined process. As there was not unanimity with our regional helpers, Hanafi did some personal testing with the men RHs, and shared quite candidly about the issues brought up in the congress testing. After sharing his vision for the future of Subud California and his previous roles, which would contribute to this vision, the vote was taken and we have a new chair!

There was one nominee for vice chair at the meeting, and no Zoom nominees. This was Levana Fraval. A member attending the zoom meeting questioned whether a husband and wife could serve on the regional executive committee, and it was determined that our bylaws do not mention that, so it is not a precluding factor. After testing and voting, Levana is our new vice chair.

The final voting was for the 2023 Congress Chair (2023 will be a “gathering” event). The one candidate, Meldan Heaslip, was elected.

We had live reports from Subud USA Vice Chair (Philip Lindstrom) and Subud USA committee councilor (Alexandra Boyer), and David Nicoletti, who gave a report for the National Helpers. You can see:

  • a video of the AGM of the elections for chair and vice chair plus those live reports on Saturday HERE
  • a video of the AGM on Sunday, which includes the Regional Helpers report HERE

There was not enough time at the meeting for all reports, so please click HERE for links to a number of short recorded reports that will be of interest. These cover what is happening with our “wings” Susila Dharma USA and SICA, as well as work at the regional level.

It was my privilege to be able to chair our AGM, and we will continue to work on improving the integration of virtual attendees at next year’s gathering.