Connecting Across Our Region

Dear brothers and sisters,

In an effort to help all members feel more connected while at the same time better meet the needs of the region, last month your regional councilors met in Sacramento and created the “Make the Connection” drive.

Your center councilor or committee may have already shared the news. We would like to encourage you be a part of this and we are looking for 100% participation. That means: come to latihan, plan a potluck, join a work party… and it also means GIVE. Give in any way that you can, a little or a lot. We would like to see an increase in participation at the individual, center AND regional level.

Regionally we have the goal of restoring Subud CA’s financial strength which would enable us to reinstate our original pledge to Subud USA. To do that we need everyone working together. We are also actively searching for new ways to capitalize on the wealth of resources we have right here in the region. Our properties ARE potential gold mines that have untapped value.

Our regional councilors, along with our local and regional helpers, are also resources waiting to be fully utilized. Does your group need support? Call them! In testing, we have received that we need to connect more and spend more time together. There are already amazing things happening right now in California! Ask the folks in Sonoma!

But more importantly, our real wealth is in our members-in YOU. We need your participation, your ideas and your inspiration along with your pledge. Make the LINK!


Renata Reid, Johanna Schor, Michael Menduno

Your Regional Committee