a message from Luqman Katz, Chair of Subud California
Sisters and Brothers,
We send you our greetings and our hope all of you are doing well.
As California moves toward less restrictive COVID tiers, we ask each center to act appropriately to the changing local, county and state health recommendations. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? This is an individual decision and not to be left for Hamlet to decide. It is neither the intention nor desire of your CA Committee to prevent any member from attending a group latihan.
As of today, mask wearing, social distancing, hand sanitizing and 25% occupancy of a room, along with the prohibition on singing/chanting, are all still part of the statewide recommendations. These apply whether vaccinated or not. These health protocols are not only intended for the individual, but for the health and safety of all others we may come in contact with.
Your Committee continues to offer our financial and emotional support for any center in need. Our regional helpers continue to supply their spiritual support to all of us. We hope you derive comfort in this.
As we slowly move towards a recovery, if any member is still in need of financial support, Subud USA offers a functioning and well-supported Care Support program. Anyone can apply at Subud USA Care Fund or to info@subudusa.org.
In closing, Roxanne reminded me of the Rabbi who went camping with one of his star pupils. Some hours later, the Rabbi woke up and nudged his student, “Look up at the sky and tell me what you see.” “Rabbi, I see millions of stars”. “And, from this what do you deduce?” asked the Rabbi. “Well,” the student replied, “astronomically this view conveys the vastness of the heavens. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are a small and insignificant part of His universe. And Rabbi, what does this tell you?” “It tells me,” responded the Rabbi, “someone has stolen our tent.”
God bless and stay well,
Luqman and the gang