On Wed, Dec 10, Saiful Rimkeit wrote:
Dear Renata Reid and others,
I found this joke in the Subud California Sun:
Sort of hilarious, but only so because its so potentially complicated and simple in answer at the same time. I laughed inside, though. According from what I heard throughout the years from a couple of diabetics, medication takers and those needing to stay hydrated for medical or other reasons during Ramadan or Lent, is that they, along with accompanying helpers, received the following. A synopsis: “To thine own healthy self be true”. So, do the fast, but keep healthy and don’t become hospitalized as well for those who limit their intake fast end keep the inner fast. As Pak Subuh mentioned once about some of the folks doing Monday and Thursday fasting: “If they could coordinate doing their inner fast with their outer fasts, it would be better. Inner fast better than outer fast.”
I once was picking grapes as a job during hot August- September 1972 in Sonoma County during Ramadan. I couldn’t continue well one afternoon about two weeks into the fast. So I asked if I could drink a limited amount of water (without enjoying it) and the answer was a clear yes. That was a case of doing testing as a helper, literally, “out in the fields”…
Thanks for your efforts to head the Regional Office. Thanks for the story on Sonoma County’s efforts. The California Regional electronic magazine has a splendid and robust layout. Thanks also to Leo Horthy for heading the visioning workshop, and thanks to our helpers and relatively new member and Chairman Rick Russel. Thank you so much Mr. Lucas Hess for doing the fixing and tremendous labor so rapidly. I’ll have to ask him where he slept while working at Sebastopol next time I see him. Thanks also to all the volunteers who helped button up the work after the major work. Including my daughter Eleanor who helped repaint the kitchen at the Hall.
Rick came along at the proper time to fill the Chair after years of not having a fully functioning Committee at Sebastopol. Thanks to the great Larissa Cooley, though, who kept the show running regardless as the treasurer and hall caretaker. I understand she did great works for the Marin County Committee as well, in the past.
And thanks to the Regional Committee for their patience and for not for not throwing us out and removing us from the ‘Group’ book while we were functioning with no Committee and falling behind on payments, save for Larissa literally being a Band of One for years.
Rick Russel is a retired architect, as you may know by now, which helped so well to get this project in motion due to his experience. So, thanks for the loan, Regional Council, for Rick taking over the Material helm at Subud Sonoma, and to Leo Horthy for helping Subud Sonoma County folks to see what they needed to see.
Indira and I are temporarily living in San Jose, attending the powerful Palo Alto Hall Latihan. We will return to Sonoma Sounty for retirement where we have been living for 35 years or so, previous to San Jose. We visit there often since we have family living there.
Thanks so much,
Saiful Rimkeit
San Jose, Ca