We welcome Christiain Stepien as the new vice chair for Subud California:

I have been a spiritual seeker all my life. In my early years, I dabbled in Theosophy and Gurdjieff, and it was through the latter that I heard about a group of people that could experience some kind of intense direct spiritual force. Intrigued, I found John Bennet’s book “Concerning Subud”, devoured it, and then tracked down the closest group I could find, which was in Indianapolis (I lived in Cleveland at the time).
I was opened by Simeon Rodgers and Reynold Feldman in 1990. I soon became a Congress regular, and traveled to Subud World Congresses in Columbia, Bali, Spokane, Austria and New Zealand, as well as zonal congresses in Holland and Brazil. I was a long-time member of the Seattle group, and since 2001, with the Santa Barbara group. I have been a local helper since 2003.
My outer life for the past 20 years has been consumed with running the software company Experlogix, which I built from the ground up and sold in 2019. I retired this year in February, and my life changed from extreme enterprise intensity to very laid back. I now enjoy daily walks on the beach and trails with my wife Melissa, who is also a helper, and our dog Cody.