We welcome Daniel as a new regional helper for Subud California:

Growing up in England to active Subud parents meant that I was always around the Subud community as far back as I can remember. My father served as a National Helper in England and my mother served as International Helper. I remember being at Anugraha during the construction, then for Congress; going to
villa Rahayu where Bapak stayed when visiting England, and riding in the back of a pristine black Jaguar Bapak would use when visiting.
In 1981, my parents became the caretakers of Loudwater Farm. I spent my teenage years floating down the river, climbing the trees in the orchid and going to school in nearby Rickmansworth. When Mas Adji suggested renting a giant inflatable airplane hanger to use as a Latihan hall in the field next door, my brother and I couldn’t resist climbing to the top! Memories of weekend gatherings and Latihan noises throughout the week.
I was opened there in 1988, now 33 years ago. Spending much of my life on the move, between travels, work, and visiting, I have been fortunate to visit many Subud groups around the world including Loudwater, central London, Leicester, Bristol, Paris, Mayenne, Vancouver, and Atlanta. I remember well World Congress in Spokane and most recently in Freiburg. I have been a group Helper in Los Angeles, which is my current local group.
One unusual fact about me, my work was as a professional yacht captain traveling around the world, and I currently own and live on a sailing yacht.