OPPORTUNITY: Regional Councilor openings

Does your center have a regional councilor? If not, ask if your inner feeling calls you to become one

Regional councilors represent their center in the regional council, the board of directors of Subud California, which has fiduciary responsibility to look out for the well-being of the region, including financial, legal, and otherwise.

Being a regional councilor is a great way to contribute to your local center and Subud California, and Subud as a whole. You’ll also share and work together with your brothers and sisters from all over California. Many past councilors say that the experience was transforming and expsansive for them.

The regional council meetsĀ  in person approximately three times a year, and tries to have monthly conference calls.

If you are interested, talk to your local committee, or contact Renata Reid, regional chair, at renata.calchair at gmail dot com .