Submitted by Dennis Oliver
Latihan location: 330 Melville, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Membership and Latihan
The group has approximately 35 active members. Latihan gatherings occur on:
- Saturday at 10:30am: Men 8-10; women 8-10
- Monday at 8:00pm: Men 6-8; women 3-5
- Thursday at 8:00 pm: Men 8-10; women 3-6
- Philip Lindstrom, Chair
- Manuel Oliver, Treasurer
- Sylvia des Tombe, Secretary
- Paul Garth, Vice-Chair
- Dennis Oliver, Rental Coordinator and Regional Councilor
Life of the Center
- The Dewan meets monthly for latihan and a meeting about needs, planning for activities and kejiwaan, work required for the house and more. This is central to the ongoing cohesion of the group.
- The electrical work to increase the capacity of the kitchen has been completed allowing the group to host events with a larger number of plugin appliances. The work came in under budget at $1,300.
- Kedjiwan and testing events were held on April 3, May 1, and June 4.
- There was a Ramadan observation and celebration of Bapak’s birthday on June 18 at the home of Lalia and Hamilton Helmer.
- The October Regional Council meeting and Connections event at Seven Circles was attended by Doug and Lianne Card, Dennis Oliver, Elizabeth Trudell, Manuel Oliver, Philip Lindstrom and Alexandra Boyer.
- Sylvia des Tombe has been offering a Spanish class to Subud Brothers and Sisters on selected Saturdays after the usual morning Latihan. Contact Sylvia for further details.
- The group made a donation of $450 to the Los Angles Center in September, to support painting the exterior.
- The group made a donation of $1000 to the Subud Voice newsletter in October, which included significant contributions from members, matched by center funds.
Upcoming Events
- A Holiday event is in the planning stage.
- Members of the Palo Alto group will make a visit to the Marin group on December 18 to share the latihan, food and conviviality.
- A general group meeting will be held sometime in (probably) January to review the Palo Alto group’s goals and objectives in the next year.
Financial Status
- Rental income continues to be solid. Average monthly income for 2016, including member pledges and rental is stable. The rental space is well booked but with the normal seasonal and market variations.
- The Palo Alto dewan voted to increase the group’s monthly pledge to the Region from $500 to $750.