Property Management Committee Charter

Subud California Property Management Committee – Charter

Based on nominations from members of the Regional Council and majority approval of a quorum, the Regional Council shall appoint a Property Management Chairman and Committee members.  The Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) members.  The Committee may include non-Council members, but must include at least two (2) Council members.

A majority of the Property Management Committee (PMC) members, present and voting, shall constitute a quorum. The PMC shall meet as needed. Meetings may be in-person, by conference call or by email.

The PMC reports to the Council and will provide a written status report at each Council meeting, highlighting any key issues needing discussion.

The PMC shall work with each Center that owns property in the preparation of periodic reports to the Council regarding the physical state of the property, its utilization and any needed or anticipated repairs.

The PMC shall be available as a resource, on request, to any Center for issues related to property.

Any items related to property requiring the approval of the Council should be initially submitted to the PMC and will then be presented to the Council along with the PMC’s recommendation.  This includes the purchase or sale of any property, any lease for a period greater than one year, and any loans or grant requests.

The PMC shall participate in the Region’s long term planning process, especially as it relates to the utilization of property.

In the event of the sale or purchase of property by the Region, the PMC shall coordinate this activity working in close coordination with the Center and the Regional Council.

PMC Charter, as  ratified 9/7/2015 by the Subud California Regional Council