by Helena Mertens, Subud CA Regional Helper
The drive Leanna and I made from our homes in the Sierra foothills to San Diego took ten hours — when GPS had calculated six hours! Safiah Dahda kindly welcomed us to her beautiful home, where we were made very comfortable for two days and had some delicious Indian home cooking! Thank you, Safiah!

When we arrived at the Subud House, I was stunned by the Subud House and grounds. Everything was beautiful and lovingly cared for, with handmade window boxes of gorgeous succulents, happy fig trees, flowering bushes, and a large tree shading the patio. Delightful!
Denise Jackson, a fairly new member to Subud, has taken over the design and upkeep of the Subud House and surrounding grounds, with help of other members participating in work parties to beautify and paint. Denise also takes care of their centerprise, renting out the Subud House when the group is not using the space. Thank you to Denise and all the members who help to make it such a special place.
Hani’a Abrams and Sofia Madden (a recent addition to our Regional Dewan) joined us for the weekend. There was harmony and community throughout the day. Latihan, a sharing circle, and test questions offered by members contributed to openness, trust, and grace as we received the blessing of the latihan.

We had a delicious lunch and plenty of time to be together, catching up with each other.
In my own experience, when we are able to attend Kedjiwaan gatherings it can be an opportunity to feel the latihan stronger and deeper within us. Thank you, Subud San Diego for a really lovely weekend!
Love from us all
Helena, Leanna, Sofia and Hani’a