Following opening prayers, our regional helpers offered this report on general state of latihan in the Region.
Rasjidah Franklin noted that Saturday call-in latihans continue with a fairly constant attendance of 12-16 women and 2-4 men. The women express desire to have these continue indefinitely and report it being especially deep and strong. Some members attend other call-in latihans from local groups, and of course many members now do latihans at their local centers. Approximately 50 members attended the latihan in Marin on the day celebrating Isaac’s passing.
Helena Mertens added that when they first began their term as regional helpers, nobody showed up for the call in regional latihan, so it was discontinued. But, when the pandemic appeared, we regularly had between 30 and 40 people attending. There was a wonderful feeling of strength, support and community and how important it was for all of us to stay constant in our latihan even though we could not attend In person with our groups. When we have done testing with our regional members on our call in latihan, it is very reassuring and lovely to hear what our sisters receive and how meaningful it is. This receiving to me is a confirmation that our latihan is developing and growing.
Hani’a Abrams reviewed visits with groups during the Covid shut down. Virtual meetings were held with the Santa Cruz and with Sacramento groups, and when things opened up for in person meetings, a men’s kejiwaan day was held in Marin, which men from Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Berkeley, and Marin attended along with regional helper Hani’a and international helper, Benedict Herrman.
Rasjidah noted other regional helper activities throughout the year including regular monthly latihans with the Regional Committee, quarterly latihans with the Regional Council, weekly meetings of women RH’s and monthly meetings of RH Dewan. The RH’s also participate in national latihans and have frequent communication with the national helpers.
Renata closed the report with thoughts in light of the changes related to the pandemic that are happening in groups all over the region. The regional helpers would like to encourage everyone to have patience as we re-enter our centers and to work with a feeling of cooperation and respect for one another. We pray that we can feel our strength and our long standing commitment to our practice and to our brothers and sisters. May this feeling extend out into the whole Subud community.

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