by Leonard Robel
The Sonoma Subud Center recently received a loan from the Region for improving facilities at their hall in order to significantly increase their rental business income. A major upgrade is installation of vinyl floor in the main hall, side halls, kitchen, and men’s bathroom.

Additional upgrades underway include new sound baffling to make up for the lack of carpet in the main hall and a new countertop and microwave for the kitchen. See more photos at the Center’s website.

These upgrades will make it possible to do rentals for dance groups that need a bigger space than the back room (which already has flooring suitable for dance), people who want to do food-intensive events (such as weddings or parties) which aren’t suited to carpet.

The Center also has a colorful outdoor stage which can accommodate a range of activities. Being more accommodating to many kinds of events will increase positive word of mouth and referrals.