Submitted by Halimah Collingwood, Regional Councilor
Latihan Address: 1920 Zehndner, Arcata, CA 95521
Latihan Days/Times: Men: Mondays, Thursdays, 7 pm
Women: by appointment Monday or Tuesday, 7 pm
We have two new members, Lucien and Gabriella Pevec who recently moved here from Colorado. We look forward to having a more active center.
Rental income: $1600 per month from Stepping Stones Preschool, $150 per month from Quakers, $25 per month from donations. Stepping Stones just took over payment of the water bill so they are now responsible for all utilities.
Life of the Center Report Summary: Center life is quiet at the moment. One member is on a sabbatical from Subud, two older members are living in old age homes and cannot walk (they are visited by the helpers), one member has a hard time getting to latihan at night and in the morning (Halimah occasionally latihans with her at her home), and several others are busy doing other things. There is communication between helpers and inactive members but that doesn’t translate to center activity. Some members prefer to latihan at home.
Our Subud House is in good shape and is well used by our community. It is paid for, no outstanding debts and brings in revenue for the Region.
Committee Names
Chairperson: None
Treasurer: Halimah Collingwood
Property Manager: Real Property Management, Halimah is liaison
Regional Councilor: Halimah Collingwood