Submitted February 4, 2016 by Luqman Katz, Chair
At the Wilshire Blvd hall, we average roughly 20-30 men at Saturday latihan and roughly 15 women. Our Monday and Thursday latihan are less and vary in number. We have 2 female candidates, which are the first in some time. Active membership maintains at 90 members.
Subud LA has two satellite groups in addition to the Wilshire center:
- the Claremont Group has 3 members who contribute to our general fund and we pay their rent each month. We understand they have 6 active women and 1-2 active men members.
- The Topanga Group has 4-12 men and 1-6 active women members. They have had 2 openings this year.
The Helpers latihan has been changed to the following: The first Saturday of the month at 11:30am helpers/comm., and the 3rd weds of the month at 8pm, remains a helpers latihan. The helpers also continue to conduct group testing sessions on the 4th sat. of each month after the morning latihan. This is attended by 4-8 men and 6-11 women members each session.
The new permanent renter has been problem free for us. They continue to say how pleased they are with the space, and they pay for 1/3 of all utilities each month as well. The group has voted to keep 3 remaining AA groups who meet in the evenings, once a week.
Obtaining signage for the building is getting closer to reality. A new estimate has put us close to budget for 2 signs. We await another electrical estimate and then we are ready, with group’s approval.
Everyone is invited anytime, and our potluck and membership meetings on the third Saturday of he month continue to attract good food and 25-30 members.