Notes from the General Meeting with the Regional helpers 1/10/15:
We approved a new Rental Coordinator, TerriAnne Gutierrez, our lessee and dance instructor, and she already has many classes going. The website will generate more events soon. The hall is lively! We approved a new name for the hall: Sebastopol Subud Hall, selected from a list of 10 generated at the meeting, and that is now official. We really appreciated the visit by the Regional helpers, who did a lot of testing with us. Hosanna Bauer has joined our Committee! She brings a lot of life and Subud experience to us. Thank you Hosanna!
New Rental Website: Our new Rental Coordinator, dance teacher, and lessee, TerriAnne Gutierrez, has completed our rental website. The site looks great and has good photos. Take a look!
Sound System and WiFi : Jim Corbett has most generously contributed an excellent sound system to our hall, for use by renters at concerts and other events. Michael Myers, our Treasurer, has signed up for Comcast wifi at the hall, to aid in the rental of our office space.
Code Corrections: Following a visit from the Sebastopol Fire and Building Inspectors, we are in the process of installing new exit lights with battery backup and emergency lighting in the event of a power outage; new fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, and minor handicap access repairs. Soon we will add a wheelchair platform outside the main room side exit. All this is so that we can rent the hall and meet the code requirements, and it all costs money beyond what we have borrowed.
Regional Council Meeting, Feb. 20-22: The Council will be meeting at our hall to see the results of their generous loan. Contact Muchtar and Rohana Salzmann ( , ) if you can help with meals or provide lodging for the Regional representatives or helpers. Subud member visitors are welcome, and the Regional deliberations are an eye-opener, believe me. They do a LOT to keep our centers afloat (as we should all know by now).
Donations: We really need monthly commitments from all of our members, even if it is just $25/ month. There is still a lot to do at the hall, including the access ramp, the French Drain, parking lot sealing and striping, and landscaping. We will be handing out cards for you to make a monthly commitment, hopefully directly from your bank. You can either mail checks to: Subud at Sonoma, P.O. Box 750081, Petaluma, CA 94975 — or drop them through the letter slot in our front office at the hall. The latihan and your hall need your support.