Submitted by Jeff Stone, Chairman of Subud California at Santa Cruz
Currently we have 14 active men and 5 inactive. There are 14 active women and 8 inactive. These are estimates. We will get more accurate numbers when we do our annual census. Our regular Latihans are Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.
Our Chairman/Councilor is Jeff Stone, our Treasurer is Oswald Lake. We have no Vice Chair or Secretary at this time. We have two Rental Coordinators, Ralph Davila and Rachmat Martin. Oswald is turning 90 September 4, and he is slowing down. It is on my agenda to find a new treasurer to phase in and cover for Oswald when he is not feeling up to performing his duties, though he still likes having the responsibility.
Our men Helpers are Ralph Davila, Gregory Tarsy, and Robin Hammar. Our women Helpers are Luzita Davila and Mara Alverson.
There are no new openings to report. One of our members, Delia Farquhar, passed away recently after a slow decline apparently due to the presence of a brain tumor. Leo Horthy moved to Santa Cruz and is now an active member of our center.
As I mentioned above, Oswald Lake is turning 90. This is a big deal because he has had a large an interesting role in Subud history in the US.
We continue to pay a monthly pledge to the Region, and we have been sending in regular monthly payments on our loan to the Region, though we still have not managed to make extra payments to catch up on the amount we are behind. Rentals vary a lot from month to month, though the Fall months are looking very busy.
Robert Mertens visited our center in August and got to meet with a few folks. He saw the sorry state of the wood floor in our entry way and hall. It is something that the members have mostly gotten used to, but I think it may give a poor first impression to arriving renters. It was suggested that we apply for a grant to fix this problem and I have been discussing this course of action with members.