Welcoming new regional helper: Rasjidah Franklin

We are delighted to welcome Rasjidah Franklin to the Subud California regional dewan! Rasjidah was opened in San Francisco in 1966 and appointed as helper by Bapak in 1971. She served as helper at groups including Marin, San Francisco, and Walnut Creek, and is currently a Berkeley member.

In addition to her service in the region, she has had many national and international roles. She has served both as California Regional Chair and Subud USA National Chair. Internationally, she just completed a 4-year term as Trustee of the Muhammad Subuh Foundation

In outer life, she is retired from UC Berkeley, and living part-time in both Oakland and Chico.

You will have many opportunities to be with Rasjidah at the upcoming kejiwa’an events planned by several centers and, of course, the Regional Gathering in August.