a message from the regional helpers
Dear Sisters and Brothers
We regional helpers are planning two kejiwaan events, the first as a Zoom meeting and the second together in-person (the latter as soon as the COVID situation makes it possible for us to come together safely).
In our role as regional helpers, we have been asked several times to help resolve difficulties in our local centers and between members. Subud is no different from the world at large in our challenges with relationships, working together, and understanding each other. The difference is that we can ask for guidance through our latihan.
The first meeting via Zoom is for our center helpers. Along with other issues, we plan to do testing on the subject of harmony where test questions can be suggested, and we can receive together and have dialogue. We will keep you posted as to when this will happen.
The second, in-person kejiwaan event is for all our members. We want to include the same issue, harmony, as we test together for guidance. We hope this might happen in the early springtime.
Meanwhile, we are continuing with our regional latihans on Saturday mornings. We open the call at 10:15, quiet time is at 10:30, latihan begins at 10:45 and another quiet after the latihan from 11:15 to 11:30, if you wish to stay on. On the first Saturday of each month we offer testing after the latihan.
The conference call number for women is 1-605-313-4415, meeting id 529243#. The conference call number for men is 1-515-604-9515, meeting id 194341#
Love to you all; may you stay safe and be well,
Hani’a, Rasjidah, Leanna, Harlan and Helena
Dear Leanna, I am thrilled and grateful for your being a part of the Regional Dewan!!! I thought I heard a helper’s voice end the latihan on Saturday call-in and couldn’t recognize. Many Blessings on your presence and contribution in the aforestated worthy and timely goal “working toward harmony”, where courage and forgiveness may bring a holy alliance.