WSA Endowment Fund

As mandated by a World Congress Resolution passed unanimously by the forty-one member countries at the 15th Subud World Congress, Freiburg, 2018, a new permanent endowment fund has been launched to help support the operations of our World Subud Association (WSA). It is called the WSA Endowment Fund.

Why do we need an endowment fund for WSA?

For many years WSA has worked with a budget of $500,000.  Unfortunately, in 2019 WSA has had to trim its budget to $288,000, just over half its historic budget, and curtail its work.  This is because some truly generous donors (in the $25,000 to $100,000 range) can no longer sustain their level of contribution.

This WSA Endowment Fund is an investment, whose earnings can be used to help finance the annual budget of WSA, while the investment itself remains and continues to earn money for the next year’s budget.

If we have the courage to set a target of raising $1,000,000 in 2019, how can we reach this goal? 1000 people @ $1000 = $1,000,000 or 100 people @ $10,000 = $1,000,000. Even $100 from 1000 people is $100,000. Together, we can!

The need to help WSA raise money for its current annual budget has also been recognized.  10% of what is raised will be used to help fund the 2019 WSA budget.  The remaining 90% will be added to the principal of the WSA Endowment Fund.  Raising $1,000,000 will pour $100,000 into WSA’s current budget.

We hope everyone will contribute what they can, knowing that there is great strength in numbers.  This is truly an international effort, which will show, in action, our unity, the theme of the Freiburg World Subud Congress.

Of 35 people asked during the last days of the Congress, all pledged to contribute.  Enough of those pledges have materialized to grow this fund to over $30,000, so the WSA Endowment Fund is on its way!

WSA recognizes that it is your contributions, at all levels, that keep Subud alive and functioning – group, national, Susila Dharma, and all the rest.  Do not stop or lessen any of your donations which keep the spirit of Subud flowing!  But WSA’s work is also important for all of us, so please, if you can afford it, make a pledge to contribute to WSA. Then when you are able, send it in!

SA also would like to remind you to remember the Muhammad Subuh Foundation with bequests and other contributions. In fact, WSA is in discussion with MSF about the possibility of housing the WSA Endowment Fund with MSF.

In the US, contributions should go to Subud USA.   Send a check, made out to “Subud USA”, clearly earmarked “WSA Endowment Fund”, to Subud USA National Office, 4216 Howard Road, Beltsville, MD 20705-2644

Thank you! And aloha,

Hardwin Blanchard      

808-938-2194        PO Box 1166, Keaau HI 96749

Please contact me with any questions or suggestions!