Health & Safety Resolution by Regional Council

Background information and a resolution related to health and safety of members were brought to the Regional Council by the Executive Committee at the Council meeting held by phone on August 13th, 2020.  The resolution was discussed and approved by a majority vote of the Council during that meeting.

Background to Resolution:

First and foremost, we are always concerned with the health and safety of all who enter our halls. Unfortunately, it is now a fact that our country has the largest number of total cases of infection compared to any other country. In California, our total number of cases is increasing.

For Subud California, we can unite so that our behavior is the behavior Ibu Rahayu prayed we would follow  at this time of great difficulty: “…that we will help each other willingly and without hesitation any way we can to save human beings, animals and plants.”

Under the circumstances, we, the Regional Executive Committee, ask the Regional Council to adopt the following Resolution, calling for a united and uniform course of action on the part of every Subud Center and member.


A. It is resolved by the Board of Directors of Subud California (the Regional Council) that all Subud Centers shall follow State and local orders and guidelines agreeing to and following a uniform set of health and safety requirements for all members and renters who enter our Houses. We understand that the public health situation is in flux, and our Region’s guidelines for our behavior will adjust as changes are made in the official orders and requirements. Further, we will continue to adhere to advice from the scientific community, the CDC and state and county health authorities.

All Centers should follow the previously issued Subud CA Reopening Plan, when allowed to reopen and return to group latihan, either in our halls or for those who rent premises. At this time, the Governor’s requirements include the mandate that masks are to be worn in public settings by everyone and we are to observe social distancing.

B. As well as protecting the health and safety of members and renters, we have a responsibility to behave reasonably and prudently to protect our members, Centers, and Region from financial harm. California is a shared liability state, which means, should a claim be made, everyone can be sued and held liable.

The legal advice we have received requires that we follow the advice of our insurance company, Church Mutual, and require all attendees at our Subud Houses, members and renters, and any members who attend a rented facility, to sign the waiver/release form that has already been distributed to all centers. The region will keep a database of all signed waivers to document that we are following this advice.

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