Remembering Rohana Salzmann

Our dear sister, Rohana Salzmann, passed away gently on Saturday, September 3, 2022, at her home in Santa Rosa.

With her loving husband, Muchtar, holding her hand and surrounded by the affection and love of her family, she passed peacefully on to her journey home. 

(above) Muchtar and Rohana Salzmann

Rohana will be missed by her family and friends and the members of the Sonoma Subud Center, where she is remembered with fondness and affection. We pray that she may be blessed and guided on her path to her new life.  –Hanafi Fraval, Chair Subud California

NOTE: Please share your own reflections on Rohana’s life here on our Subud CA website by going to the “Leave a Reply” section below, and adding your comments.

(L): On Sunday, September 11th, the members of the Santa Cruz Subud Center remembered Rohana’s passing with love and prayers.

9 thoughts on “Remembering Rohana Salzmann

  1. Rohana was at my opening in 1990, and it was always a joy to see her at latihan. I felt a closeness and affinity with her through through the years, admiration for her style. She was a lovely person and is deeply missed. My condolences to the Salzmann family 💜

  2. I didn’t know Rohana well, but the few times I was with her, I felt great warmth and love and a guiding spirit for her family. May her journey be blessed.

  3. I remember Rohana well and love her. We met in 2002 when I was opened in Sebastapol and my children loved her and Muchtar. I think of her often and she will always be in my heart.

  4. With fond affection, I salute my Subud sister, and friend, Rohana. We enjoyed our sewing coffee klatch, and the jokes kept coming! A kind woman, skilled at embroidery, so wise, and fashionable. I miss her. She will have her funeral on the same day as Queen Elizabeth. Ibu Siti Sumari told us there are “no accidents.” God Bless Everyone,
    Hosanna Bauer

  5. I’m sorry for your loss, Muchtar. I treasure the sweet moments Rohanna and I had together at the Freiburg Congress. It was so good to be with her again. May you both be blessed and guided on your continuing paths.

  6. Rohana Salzman is one of the most kind persons I have known. We will all miss her in the Sonoma group. She was a helper for years, and carried that responsibility with grace and humor. Although she was soft spoken, I remember a time when she and another woman helper had a disagreement at our meeting. Both Rohana and the other helper separately told me later that they had conversations together and had resolved their differences. That is so admirable to me. Rohana was an influence for harmony and mutual respect. God bless Rohana and all her family.

  7. For Oom Muchtar and Family and friends
    For I am free let me go
    i have so much to see and do
    my life here is done and now it’s time for me to travel on home
    as i leave for home promised me one more thing trust in others and trust in yourself
    and be not burden for i’m away. i’m just a mile away but soon someday i will come again to see how you all are doing. it’s not so nice to say goodbye but i do know this
    that each of you will always think of me in many ways that you know how
    closed your eye and hear me say how much i love you all so deerly forever more.

  8. As we approach one year since my mom passed, I feel even more the loss her absence has created in our family. Salzmanns are a loud, passionate, clever, moody bunch – and she loved us all with a quiet, creative, and sturdy dedication. She was so supportive, and so wise, she often was “overlooked” in the humdrum of it all in the sense that something or someone was the center of attention versus her or her efforts. But the silence she has left behind is deafening. My mother was a quiet warrior, encouraging and engaging all her children to be curious, independent spirits. She was our north star, or maybe more accurately, the second star to the right and straight on till morning. I love her, fiercely. I am grateful she was mine.

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